Just renewed my tracker for another year. wil be adding batteries to my solar this year so will switch to Go tariff then, for the cheap charge rate over night.
it would still put you on the december tracker anyway, renew now and then its done for another year.Just had gas tracker renewal email. Standing charges 2p a day higher.
This is December 2024 tracker but I don't expire till Feb. Is it worth waiting another month before renewing?
I've had the same but I'm on tracker for gas and elec. I'm waiting as it's still 6 or so weeks away. The newer tracker rates have been a bit naff compared to the Dec 23 tariff rates and I'm torn whether it's still worth it.Just had gas tracker renewal email. Standing charges 2p a day higher.
This is December 2024 tracker but I don't expire till Feb. Is it worth waiting another month before renewing?
Was just coming in to post about this. Not sure what this will do to gas markets, might already be priced in but might see some spikes otherwise.Piped gas through Ukraine has ended at last. Less roubles going to Putin. It was a travesty for Russia to earn from this while bombing Ukranian energy industries.
Hoping standing charges being built into unit rates actually happen as an option.These standing charges are getting silly now. Almost £365 a year before I even use any gas or electric.
Hoping standing charges being built into unit rates actually happen as an option.
Although there's not really any options. Either go to tomato energy and pray they don't go bust to avoid the increase or suck it up.
I just don't trust them, they just give me vibes of all the other ones that went bust and the fall out from that.I'm very tempted to try Tomato energy tbh.
I just don't trust them, they just give me vibes of all the other ones that went bust and the fall out from that.
These standing charges are getting silly now. Almost £365 a year before I even use any gas or electric.
Tbh if you're on SVR you have nothing to lose. The risk is for those load shifting and using cheap slots being stuck with them during the switch if they go under.I just don't trust them, they just give me vibes of all the other ones that went bust and the fall out from that.
Same on the tracker in the north east unfortunately with everyone except tomato70.05p a day SC? Criminal.