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Not a fanboy of standby energy testing, just something I tested.

If you wondering what made me test it, is that I noticed the external hdd connected to it a usb port was still powered on and active, even when it was configured to be powered down when in standby, so I knew something wasnt right from that alone. Also take a look at reddit there is bug reports on this out there.

What I meant is are you using a plug-in energy meter, or your IHD to measure energy usage? I've no idea how the Xbox does things but the PS5 continues supplying power to external drives, USB ports etc unless you specifically set it not to, but if other people are reporting bugs then that's a whole other issue.
never been to Cyprus, so really dont know what they are up to there, in Greece though solar panels are everywhere, so are wind farms. There is a little problem though in GR, peak demand is during the summer where the population of the country doubles from 11mln to 22 especially in August. With natural gas out of the equation, king coal to the rescue as Labr@t said....

Is nuclear not popular? Cyprus is too small really though a MNR would be ideal but again they rejected a nuclear plant funded by Russian money back in 2018... So I guess gas is king still in Cyprus. No coal though!
What I meant is are you using a plug-in energy meter, or your IHD to measure energy usage? I've no idea how the Xbox does things but the PS5 continues supplying power to external drives, USB ports etc unless you specifically set it not to, but if other people are reporting bugs then that's a whole other issue.

It was tested with a watt meter. If that bothers you then whenever my IHD is fixed (no idea when that may be, its been in excess of 3 weeks currently) I will retest on that.

In terms of the hdd been on there is a specific setting in the xbox dash that toggles the behaviour from when always on is activated, this was disabled/unchecked, that toggle disappears for energy saver as in that mode it should be off all the time.

My PS5 I have the sleep mode disabled due to the bugs that were reported with external drives, I can confirm on that the drive actually is off without physically cutting it from the power. No power/activity LED.
Is nuclear not popular? Cyprus is too small really though a MNR would be ideal but again they rejected a nuclear plant funded by Russian money back in 2018... So I guess gas is king still in Cyprus. No coal though!

nuclear? from 1/04/2021 to 01/04/2022 there were recorded 3.075 earthquakes under the city of Thebes alone, no thanks this country cant do nuclear, too risky the ground shakes like a jelly.

check out what happened only the last 2 days University of Athens - Earthquakes of the last 2 days in Greece (
nuclear? from 1/04/2021 to 01/04/2022 there were recorded 3.075 earthquakes under the city of Thebes alone, no thanks this country cant do nuclear, too risky the ground shakes like a jelly.

That's my MNR are quite good as they're designed with that in mind. I guess Japan's incident has left doubt in people's mind about it, which is understandable.
It was tested with a watt meter. If that bothers you then whenever my IHD is fixed (no idea when that may be, its been in excess of 3 weeks currently) I will retest on that.

In terms of the hdd been on there is a specific setting in the xbox dash that toggles the behaviour from when always on is activated, this was disabled/unchecked, that toggle disappears for energy saver as in that mode it should be off all the time.

My PS5 I have the sleep mode disabled due to the bugs that were reported with external drives, I can confirm on that the drive actually is off without physically cutting it from the power. No power/activity LED.

It doesn't bother me, I was just curious how you were getting the figures. Really not sure what the attitude is all about.

FWIW I too had bugs with external drives around launch time particularly with it not coming out of sleep mode correctly, but it stopped doing that ages ago so you might have more joy now.
nuclear? from 1/04/2021 to 01/04/2022 there were recorded 3.075 earthquakes under the city of Thebes alone, no thanks this country cant do nuclear, too risky the ground shakes like a jelly.

check out what happened only the last 2 days University of Athens - Earthquakes of the last 2 days in Greece (

Fukushima was caused by a Tsunami not an earthquake, how many earthquakes do you think that plant went through without melting down before the Tsunami hit it? A lot.
A level 4 richter scale earthquake is the same as a fully loaded large truck going down the road apparently, not much you can do about or would upset any building surviving a common storm. The japanese mistake was not having power backup, I think would have been ok if able to continue cooling for a week but theres a cost to being that careful
Because of the logarithmic basis of the scale, each whole number increase in magnitude represents a tenfold increase in measured amplitude as measured on a seismogram
So now very confused, I have just been offered the below On 24 month fixed. Yes the standing charge is high but way lower than I was expecting.

now second guessing banging solar panels on the roof.

Electricity: £1,285.01
Based on using 6,499kWh
Standing charge:
34.23p per day
Unit rate:
17.85p per kWh
Gas: £556.35
Based on using 13,247kWh
Standing charge:
26.67p per day
Unit rate:
3.47p per kWh

Have I missed something? This is way lower than the cap. It’s only around a 10% increase.
So now very confused, I have just been offered the below On 24 month fixed. Yes the standing charge is high but way lower than I was expecting.

now second guessing banging solar panels on the roof.

Have I missed something? This is way lower than the cap. It’s only around a 10% increase.
Gas is so much cheaper per kWh :eek:
Shame we can run all are electric stuff by gas :cry:
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