Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Looks like it auto selects based on network speed. When I load the page it starts playing 960x540 and after a few seconds changes to 1280 x 720

Here found the info page.

If your location is set to any of the English Regions you won't be able to get BBC One in HD, so you'll need to change your location to England, Scotland, Northern Ireland or Wales if you want to watch BBC One in HD.
Not if already asked, but what is the "Standing Charge" and why would that double? Is it related to the price of the resource?
it's where we people for the companies that went bust :rolleyes: rather than them having some government oversight, it's how capitalism works or something you know like when we had to bail out the bankers, or when rishi the idiot let a bunch of scammers take out covid loans and made us pay for it
This is the current energy price forecast increases. Glad i've gone solar !

This is the current energy price forecast increases. Glad i've gone solar !


Seems likely.
Going to be serious serious issues if that's the case.
It's saying that energy will be higher than now for 2 years.

I don't really see a way out of this without chaos and people dying from the cold.

Only way out is to cough up loads of cash to mitigate it somehow. And that cash has to come from somewhere.
Tell the remaining coalers they can have unrestricted running for the next 5 years. I bet coal hasn't increased as much as gas. That's 5 GW of flexible generation (might be less now) that could be generating at the £60MWh range if we were willing to burn a few commitments.
This is the current energy price forecast increases. Glad i've gone solar !


Not really surprising tbh. The only way that wholesale costs will come back down to 2020/2021 levels is when we have some energy security. That's not something that'll happen in just a couple of years.
Seems likely.
Going to be serious serious issues if that's the case.
It's saying that energy will be higher than now for 2 years.

I don't really see a way out of this without chaos and people dying from the cold.

Only way out is to cough up loads of cash to mitigate it somehow. And that cash has to come from somewhere.
Should borrow to help people today and pay it back long term with a levy on energy bills once things settle down or we have cheaper renewable energy production.

High energy costs not only cause people a lot of harm and distress to those on lower incomes but its going to tank the economy with people cutting back on their spending. Friends who I'd class as being pretty well off and never really been bothered about spending are now talking about cutting back this year, so its going to impact a lot of businesses.
Should borrow to help people today and pay it back long term with a levy on energy bills once things settle down or we have cheaper renewable energy production.

High energy costs not only cause people a lot of harm and distress to those on lower incomes but its going to tank the economy with people cutting back on their spending. Friends who I'd class as being pretty well off and never really been bothered about spending are now talking about cutting back this year, so its going to impact a lot of businesses.

This is the issue when gov always say 'we will pay it back next year'

Way the world is there's always an unexpected cost. Pandemic, now gas prices (food and everything really).

Those good times don't really seem real.

But what other option do they have? Apart from more debt?
We are on the decline for sure. I guess we just have to get used to more debt thus less cash for big projects?

I hate the waste that governments cause each year. From Hs2, to dogdy deals around covid ppe, etc etc. If we wanted less that would help.
Depends where we get the coal from, a fair few mines have closed in the UK due to lack of demand/feasibility and even fires.
I think the last UK power station to use UK coal was Aberthaw in South Wales. I think Drax, Ratcliffe and West Burton all use imported coal and have done for years. Even 20 years ago very little UK coal was used because of it's high sulphur content and cost.
Only way out is to cough up loads of cash to mitigate it somehow. And that cash has to come from somewhere.

Govt will do what the govt has been doing since covid and before: borrow, borrow, borrow...

Should borrow to help people today and pay it back long term with a levy on energy bills once things settle down or we have cheaper renewable energy production.

High energy costs not only cause people a lot of harm and distress to those on lower incomes but its going to tank the economy with people cutting back on their spending. Friends who I'd class as being pretty well off and never really been bothered about spending are now talking about cutting back this year, so its going to impact a lot of businesses.

Hah govt is not interested in anything other than offshore wind or hideously expensive nuclear which won't be online for 10 years at least... backbench tory MP's who Boris can't afford to annoy as his position is so precarious have said "no" to onshore which could be up and running in a year despite constituents apparently being fine with it... probably spoils the view from their constituency office windows
Govt will do what the govt has been doing since covid and before: borrow, borrow, borrow...

Hah govt is not interested in anything other than offshore wind or hideously expensive nuclear which won't be online for 10 years at least... backbench tory MP's who Boris can't afford to annoy as his position is so precarious have said "no" to onshore which could be up and running in a year despite constituents apparently being fine with it... probably spoils the view from their constituency office windows

I live in the Cambridgeshire fens, and there are tons of wind turbines round here, I can see probably, 20 or so from my house.

They don't bother me in the slightest.
it's where we people for the companies that went bust :rolleyes: rather than them having some government oversight, it's how capitalism works or something you know like when we had to bail out the bankers, or when rishi the idiot let a bunch of scammers take out covid loans and made us pay for it
We're pretty much suckers. Let's see if the standing charge returns to previous levels once the 'debt' is paid.
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