Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Raising interest rates won't keep this inflation in check though, it might lessen the blow ever so slightly but at this point it's going to be piecemeal
It could if it's done in a similar rate relative to the economy globally. But as BoE is showing if you are not on board with that it can make things topsey turvey.
Things have been reasonably comfortable for us the past few years. Didn't have to worry about what we were spending (in reason) but now I feel I have to pay attention or it's quite easy to go over the monthly income.
I have massive sympathy for the people who were struggling before all this.
Things have been reasonably comfortable for us the past few years. Didn't have to worry about what we were spending (in reason) but now I feel I have to pay attention or it's quite easy to go over the monthly income.
I have massive sympathy for the people who were struggling before all this.
Just been to do the monthly shop, was a bit of a jolt at the check out. Prices are going through the roof.

BoE now talking about 11% inflation in the autumn, and they still do a 0.25% rise. RIP.
Will be interesting to see where petrol and diesel prices heading in the next couple of weeks, given that it's priced in USD which is clearly being backed by the Fed.
Would not surprise me in the least if the BofE come out in the not too distant future with an emergency rate rise outside of the usual rate setting meetings. No doubt accompanied by the usual "we did not see it coming", and "isn't that Putin a naughty man after all"
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