Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Is there a solution for me then?
Not really, you have to wait until the infrastructure is cross compatible. The smets1 meters (which is the first generation that you have) don't play nicely with other suppliers.

You could try complaining enough to a point where the solution is to do an exchange to a smets2. Or find a supplier who will do it anyway (you may have luck with octopus)

Also I'm assuming the meter is passing your reading to the supplier and its just the IHD isn't compatible.
No, the actual smart meter on the gas and electric supply. It lllks like this, and they say it won’t work with their IHD and they can’t change the meter on the supply.

lol this is why im grateful i dont deal with customers :D

1) Are both meters providing smart reads monthly to Eon?
2) Who installed the meters and who provided the IHD?
3) Is the issue that the meters arent communicating with the IHD?
4) Do you know if they are SMETS1 or SMETS2 meters

Prob best if you DM me on here so this thread doesnt get spammy
Not really, you have to wait until the infrastructure is cross compatible. The smets1 meters (which is the first generation that you have) don't play nicely with other suppliers.

You could try complaining enough to a point where the solution is to do an exchange to a smets2. Or find a supplier who will do it anyway (you may have luck with octopus)

Tonnes of Smets1's have been onboarded with the DCC and work just fine and suppliers dont get fined for ripping out smart meters per say they get fined for not hitting installation targets.
Tonnes of Smets1's have been onboarded with the DCC and work just fine and suppliers dont get fined for ripping out smart meters per say they get fined for not hitting installation targets.
I've had loads of complaints about smets1 not working. Most get deadlocked eventually. It's improving ofc but still loads that don't work. From what I've been told if they rip out a perfectly good smart meter (IHD is not relevant) they get fined hmmm
I've had loads of complaints about smets1 not working. Most get deadlocked eventually. It's improving ofc but still loads that don't work.
Hmm dunno our figures but i work quite closely with our Smart back office teams and from the figures i've seen we dont tend to get many which are SMETS1 meters and arent commissioned with the DCC. Most of the issues with the SMETS1 is that somethings fallen over between the supplier and the DCC and its usually fixable remotely.
Hmm dunno our figures but i work quite closely with our Smart back office teams and from the figures i've seen we dont tend to get many which are SMETS1 meters and arent commissioned with the DCC. Most of the issues with the SMETS1 is that somethings fallen over between the supplier and the DCC and its usually fixable remotely.
Well I'm just one of the grunts on the front line getting told different things every week and getting different answers every time I ask a question haha
Well I'm just one of the grunts on the front line getting told different things every week haha
Sounds about right :D I hear stories of our guys telling customers its broke and needs replacing when its 10 mins of work in the background by the relevant people to fix, its just a case of they dont know or someones told them the wrong thing:D
Sounds about right :D I hear stories of our guys telling customers its broke and needs replacing when its 10 mins of work in the background by the relevant people to fix :D
Our place makes to very difficult to get in touch with the people who can fix smart issues. We have to fill in a form and you are lucky if it gets even looked at in a week or two. You are even luckier if they bother to reply at all making it so you have a massive list you have to keep checking to see if anything has been done.

My favourite ones are people who claim the smart meter is putting out radiation/signals that are giving them headaches and want it removed. While calling on a mobile :p
Might be needing to change the name of the thread soon to "This is getting ridiculous (mortgage prices)".

My girlfriends remortgage is due and the best she can get is 3.2% (previously 2% five years ago). She's on an LTV of under 40%, yet that is the best she can get. It will add £50 to her monthly unless she extends the term.

Gonna be a world of pain for many people. If rates are 6% in five years time, I'd need to find an extra £350 ish on the mortgage I just took out. If rates were 10%, nearly an additional £1k. That would probably be house repossession territory.

I don't think 3% is ridiculous, especially by historical standards. Low interest rates are simply not viable long term. While I don't see rates hitting 10% unless something goes badly wrong, fwiw markets have priced in the base rate being 3% by year end.
Might be needing to change the name of the thread soon to "This is getting ridiculous (mortgage prices)".

My girlfriends remortgage is due and the best she can get is 3.2% (previously 2% five years ago). She's on an LTV of under 40%, yet that is the best she can get. It will add £50 to her monthly unless she extends the term.

Gonna be a world of pain for many people. If rates are 6% in five years time, I'd need to find an extra £350 ish on the mortgage I just took out. If rates were 10%, nearly an additional £1k. That would probably be house repossession territory.

I'm absolutely dreading this, 5 year fix is up next year
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