Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

25 Mar 2004
The biggest issue isn't running out of cash it's spiraling interest on debt repayments and inflation from printing money that devalues all of the rest of the money.

This all plays into how strong our currency is on the global stage, and prices we pay for imports of things.
14 Jul 2005
Easier to just disconnect you
Again though, if it turns into millions they won't be able to do this. Just logistically they won't be able to do it let alone politically.

Its all on the strength of the numbers here. If its a few thousand or even a couple of tens of thousands, yeah its not enough and nothing will happen. But it could escalate into millions and if it does it will be very interesting to see how it plays out.

I hope it does escalate into millions doing it. Not enough has been done politically and this would be the reckoning for it.
10 Jul 2010
So some people's answer to a rise in costs and things getting tighter is to just steal the product....nice :rolleyes:
Obviously I don't condone theft. But as times become more difficult for people, people will become more desperate for food and heat. Shoplifting will increase, if it hasn't already, as will the theft of energy.
17 Apr 2009
The hilarity will start when the people who switched from fixed DDs to variable DDs to dodge the April rise in DD payments start getting £600+ bills this winter.

"My bill just went from £150/month to £750/month! I can't afford that!!!"

29 Jul 2010
It's going to happen a lot.
More people talk about it, more it will seem acceptable to others.

Yea but as b0rn2sk8 said below, I bet there are still many many people complaining about energy prices who are still going on a family holiday which would cost more than their annual rise in their fuel bills, but they aren't willing to give that up to pay for it.

It wont happen, people said there would be mass civil unrest once petrol hit 1.80/litre. It got to 1.99 a litre and nothing happened. Sure there were a couple of go slow protests but there were bigger queues at the airport of people dropping thousands per person to go on price gouged COVID holidays...

Most people fully understand and are behind the world sticking two fingers up to Putin and are taking one for the team as a consequence.

We're probably going to see a large fall in the standard of living, especially in the short to medium term, people just need to get used to that idea.

I am talking about the middle classes mostly here, people like me, who do have disposable income every month. Not the actual poor (where i have been more than once in my life) who have always been there and generally most people don't care about (work harder/should have done better at school/benefit scrounger) they are the ones who are going to need the real help, so they don't have to end up stealing, from us, the utility companies or the shops.
13 Jan 2010
Yea but as b0rn2sk8 said below, I bet there are still many many people complaining about energy prices who are still going on a family holiday which would cost more than their annual rise in their fuel bills, but they aren't willing to give that up to pay for it.

We're probably going to see a large fall in the standard of living, especially in the short to medium term, people just need to get used to that idea.

I am talking about the middle classes mostly here, people like me, who do have disposible income every month. Not the actual poor (where i have been more than once in my life) who have always been there and generally most people don't care about (work harder/should have done better at school/benefit scrounger) they are the ones who are going to need the real help, so they don't have to end up stealing, from us, the utility companies or the shops.

That's the thing. More people who talk about it the more will join. Especially when FOMO kicks in.

If Bob next door isn't paying for his electricity, why should I?
This will just spiral off nothing is done about it.

I expect some who have mortgages or rely on lending etc will come unstuck as they need a credit rating.
14 Jul 2005
So some people's answer to a rise in costs and things getting tighter is to just steal the product....nice :rolleyes:
Its been compared to the poll tax revolt in the early 90's. I don't condone disruptive protesting, but this type of protest (non payment en-masse) i think would be very effective and is victimless.

Yea but as b0rn2sk8 said below, I bet there are still many many people complaining about energy prices who are still going on a family holiday which would cost more than their annual rise in their fuel bills, but they aren't willing to give that up to pay for it.
See my previous comment on keeping the economy going. If our entire income is being spent on energy and fuel, there is no discretionary spending left and small and medium businesses will go under with huge national consequences. Is it better to refuse to pay an international energy firm to keep your local economy going - I think it is.
14 Jul 2005
I expect some who have mortgages or rely on lending etc will come unstuck as they need a credit rating.
Non payment of energy isn't on your credit file I don't think. Does your energy firm appear on your credit report? Its not on mine. My phone contract is. My credit cards are, bank accounts yes. Not energy firm.

They would have to commence debt recovery and a CCJ only appears if it gets to court and you dont pay before then. If millions of people are doing it, its impossible to take them all to court.

This is all about scale. The things that work normally won't work when millions refuse to pay.
13 Jan 2010
Non payment of energy isn't on your credit file I don't think. Does it appear on your credit report? Its not on mine.

They would have to commence debt recovery and a CCJ only appears if it gets to court and you dont pay before then. If millions of people are doing it, its impossible to take them all to court.

This is all about scale. The things that work normally won't work when millions refuse to pay.

This is true. Don't they just stick you on pre pay if you don't pay?

If you get a cheating meter however. They'll probably never know.

If the scale of non payment becomes an issue who knows what will happen. Because at the end of the day, the energy has to be paid for.
25 Oct 2004
Sunny Torbaydos
Even if you did cheat the meter, they would find out eventually, they monitor all aspects of the grid, they know how much has been used and would use that to determine if someone had been illegally syphoning energy.
24 Jul 2016
South West
This is all about scale. The things that work normally won't work when millions refuse to pay.
This is where it comes unstuck. We have no solidarity the population has largely been divided and conquered over time. You only have to look how the Canadian truckers fared to see this. Look at the rail strikes the media joined forces to try and demonise it, they will do the same with this,
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