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Yep, whenever I hear "I know loads, I know 20 people, I know dozens etc." I know its FUD immediately, at least make it sound credible if people want to pretend they know some people.
The amount of misinformation is astounding, everyone is so judgemental even to the point they make assumptions about others.

I don’t know any, even my sister works now and she didn’t for several years before it got too hard to avoid. It is of course easier to blame each other than see fault with government. The public hatred towards a minority of people on benefits is just a distraction from the the real problematic people.
Didn't people get like £300 or so cost of living money directly to the bank for people on benefits recently?
Should have been some form of voucher/ration card or something that is linked to only them and cannot be transferred.
Yep, we just missed it but get the one in Autumn, plus the DLA one at about £150 I think it is in September. Then we get the £400 everyone gets.

People seem to be forgetting it's not just the£400 that's available those on UC DLA and pensions get extra.
Why do some people claim things like means testing cost tons of money. The government already does means testing for everyone who works and for many who doesnt work, they dont redo it if its used for something else, they just use existing data.

Based on some of the things i've heard from someone who used to work for them, I think you're massively overestimating the DWP's ability to work with any kind of efficiency (or even basic common sense :()

Didn't people get like £300 or so cost of living money directly to the bank for people on benefits recently?
Should have been some form of voucher/ration card or something that is linked to only them and cannot be transferred.

Yes, the council tax rebate was a direct bank payment. What sort of ration card or voucher should we issue to people on benefits and how would that solve the "problem" (whatever the "problem" is that you seem to be wanting to fix?)

I wonder how many people are like that in reality though as I only know of one guy who hasn't worked for about 20+ years, I don't know how it works for him as I just had 7 months on the dole and it was hell being hounded all the time.

Sadly I know someone who fits the stereotype perfectly, hasn't worked in well over 10 years, spends all his money on alcohol, cigarettes and junk food, plays the mental health card at every benefits review etc. while he certainly doesn't have the money for the cushy lifestyle some people seem to suggest is possible on benefits, he's getting by just fine and has no intention of returning to work
Yes, the council tax rebate was a direct bank payment. What sort of ration card or voucher should we issue to people on benefits and how would that solve the "problem" (whatever the "problem" is that you seem to be wanting to fix?)
You're thinking of the wrong one, the benefits payments are separate and on top of the council tax rebate one. People on UC and similar are getting I think £650 spread between July and some time in Autumn.
It's a small sub section of society, it's funny how the economic migrants we import in the thousands every year given housing and benefits don't receive they same scorn here.

I wonder why?
You're thinking of the wrong one, the benefits payments are separate and on top of the council tax rebate one. People on UC and similar are getting I think £650 spread between July and some time in Autumn.

Ah, yes I forgot about that one! Still not sure what this mysterious problem is that a voucher would solve or what State Approved items this voucher should be restricted to :cry:
I thought some of the pre-payment credits could only be re-imbursed onto the card itself , maybe even requiring claimant identity check ?

as Rishi said the proposed VAT cut will not preferentially target those most in need - it's just a knee jerk response;
providing some tiered unit cost would, I think (first units a day much cheaper, with lower sc), but meters probably not smart enough
It's a small sub section of society, it's funny how the economic migrants we import in the thousands every year given housing and benefits don't receive they same scorn here.

I wonder why?
I can only comment on my experience and not claiming it is always fact.... however there are still a few migrants around where I live and they all work their asses off. I don't know if they funnel money to their families out of the country, if they do that is not so good ... but there is no doubt in my mind they contribute to society. OTOH my ex wife (who despite our differences I can't argue her work ethic) some of the people she went to school with never had a legal job in their lives and yet still had a better phone than I did at the time and managed to go to the pub and bookies more than I could have ever hoped to. it helped that hull at the time was one of the cheapest places in England to live so it was easy to get by off the state. probably less so in other places .
i too used to wonder if immigrants were taking local people's jobs but the last few years would seem to prove otherwise. local fruit farmers are really struggling to get work so it seems rather than our population taking up the slack, for what ever reason instead the jobs get unfilled.

not sure this is relevant to this thread however ;)
I can only comment on my experience and not claiming it is always fact.... however there are still a few migrants around where I live and they all work their asses off. I don't know if they funnel money to their families out of the country, if they do that is not so good

I've never seen that as the problem some do either. They are being economically active by just living here by buying goods and services and if they want to send their spare cash home abroad, how is that any different to me saving it and not spending it in the economy. Plus people as always only look at one side of the equation, we have lots of emmigrants who work abroad, eg: Saudi, who funnel their money back to their families in Blighty, so it goes both ways. I know a lot of ex forces who've worked in Saudi to earn the money to come back and buy a house at home, just the same as immigrants do here, but get moaned at for it :p
indeed. that was only a footnote of my main point really. imo we rely on the immigrant work force . whether we should or not could be open to debate but we do so really making them feel unwelcome is shooting ourselves in the foot.
Immigrants, benefits claimants, boomers vs millennials, woke.... etc etc

Its all distraction stories so people don't look too hard at just how the wealth divide keeps growing and who really drains the public purse with contracts for the boys. The added drama is great for tabloid sales as well.
We must eat the rich then I guess....
More like eat the poor, we have too many of them already, they breed like rabbits!
Just mind-blowingly stupid. If his mate is a proper electrician and does this I assume he will be struct off the professional register and face massive fines and a criminal charge and your mate will probably face criminal charges too.

if he can't afford to pay the bills I am guessing he probably doesn't give too many craps about "criminal charges". If you had the choice of freezing to death or getting nicked for robbing electric I know what choice I would be making.
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