Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

It's got to the point where only a revolution fixes this, as someone alluded to earlier the government will give out scraps to calm the rabble but the "problem" will carry on. I'd love to see a shareholders list of these energy companies.....
I genuinely feel there's going to be riots over this. There are a lot of people that genuinely aren't going to be able to afford to heat their homes.
Compromising nuclear operational protocols to satisfy political considerations sounds familiar. Recent fictional tv series, probably not relevant. Fantasy story not great not terrible lol

shareholders list of these energy companies.....
mostly internationally based oil companies. BP is USA not uk, was a lot in Russia but not any more. Shell is really not UK based even if they are listed shares here they are not obliged to the UK in that way, BP hasnt been UK in the majority for many years now as we used up our oil. We could have a lot more gas, we avoided that and oil Norway has done a better job with the North sea recently.
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It’s a nuclear power plant. It’s not just running a car for another year !
If it was running yesterday and they switched it off today, then they could have kept it going safely. What has changed between yesterday and today other than today they planned to turn it off?

If safety critical problems were present, it wouldn't have been running in the first place.
So she'll or someone mad 6bn underlying profit three times what they made last year, how on earth is this a reasonable or sustainable situation, presumably the various buyers are just bidding the price higher, but this is out of order and needs to be stopped. Free market can do one in this case.
If it was running yesterday and they switched it off today, then they could have kept it going safely. What has changed between yesterday and today other than today they planned to turn it off?

If safety critical problems were present, it wouldn't have been running in the first place.
Doesn't work like that does it, its not one man's choice its something that has to be planned for. I would ask whether it could be life extended in some way, this presumably was deemed not cost effective.
Oh come on you can't be that simple
How do you figure that when Im sharing your exact view:

Doesn't work like that does it, its not one man's choice its something that has to be planned for. I would ask whether it could be life extended in some way, this presumably was deemed not cost effective.

We are saying the same thing just in different ways. But to examine the decision we would need to see the detail.

Im not saying its one person's choice. But how do we know they couldn't have extended it? You guys have too much trust in these people that's why we're in the mess we're in.
How do you figure that when Im sharing your exact view:

We are saying the same thing just in different ways. But to examine the decision we would need to see the detail.

Im not saying its one person's choice. But how do we know they couldn't have extended it? You guys have too much trust in these people that's why we're in the mess we're in.
Oh ok my bad
Its just common sense.

But to properly assess it we would need to see all the detail on why it was switched off. For example, maybe the fuel was spent and so they had to turn it off anyway.
The shut down will have been planned years in advance. And was already far overdue already. There's only so long you can eek it out, THAT's the common sense viewpoint.
If it was running yesterday and they switched it off today, then they could have kept it going safely. What has changed between yesterday and today other than today they planned to turn it off?

If safety critical problems were present, it wouldn't have been running in the first place.

You could say exactly the same about aircraft and maintenance inspections "the plane didn't crash yesterday so must be safe", with the above attitude nothing would ever get "switched off".

Certain parts of the reactor and structure are incredibly difficult to assess and determine if it is still safe to operate.
The shut down will have been planned years in advance. And was already far overdue already. There's only so long you can eek it out, THAT's the common sense viewpoint.
Yes it will have been planned. But if it was working within thresholds, then why couldn't it have been extended? Maybe there is a good reason, maybe there isn't. Just because it was planned for yesterday doesn't make that the right choice.
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