Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Yes it will have been planned. But if it was working within thresholds, then why couldn't it have been extended? Maybe there is a good reason, maybe there isn't. Just because it was planned for yesterday doesn't make that the right choice.
Lol. Clueless. What’s your background ?
Lol. Clueless. What’s your background ?
You calling me clueless on a forum isn't resolving the issue. If you're so confident it was the right decision you either:
1/ have seen the data/reasoning yourself
2/ are trusting in others without verification

Its all about the detail here. But Im pretty confident if there was a safety critical issue then it wouldn't have been running. This is planned as has been stated, so could most likely have been delayed. Sure there will be reasons behind it, but not safety critical reasons, at least not ones where there wouldn't be signs first.

I would guess that the main reason is that it was planned in and money spent on it, so its a money issue.
Typical domestic energy bills could hit more than £3,600 a year this winter, according to a new forecast.

Consultancy Cornwall Insight said the typical gas and electricity bill in England, Wales and Scotland could reach £3,615 in the new year - hundreds of pounds more than previous predictions.

The government has announced a package of measures to help households with the rising cost of living.

However, some have called for more support for families.

The average energy bill was £1,400 a year in October 2021. The last energy price cap increase, in April 2022, saw that rise to £2,000.Cornwall Insight told BBC Breakfast that the typical domestic customer was likely to pay £3,358 a year from October, then £3,615 a year from January.

Dr Craig Lowrey, principal consultant at Cornwall Insight, said rising wholesale gas prices and concerns over Russian supply were behind the big leap, and warned the government help announced "will only scratch the surface of this problem."

"However, while the rise in forecasts for October and January is a pressing concern, it is not only the level - but the duration - of the rises that makes these new forecasts so devastating," he said.

"Given the current level of the wholesale price, this level of household energy bills currently shows little sign of abating into 2024.

In May, energy regulator Ofgem said the typical household should expect to see an £800 increase in October, to £2,800 a year.

However, it subsequently admitted that "prices are looking higher than they did when we made that estimate".

Last month, BFY, a management consultancy, predicted a typical energy bill could hit £3,850 a year by January.

Not a surprise to those who have been keeping an eye on fixed tariff prices but this is going to really hurt. From £1400 to potentially £3850, that is a huge gap to fill in household budgets (along with all the other price increases).
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You calling me clueless on a forum isn't resolving the issue. If you're so confident it was the right decision you either:
1/ have seen the data/reasoning yourself
2/ are trusting in others without verification

Its all about the detail here. But Im pretty confident if there was a safety critical issue then it wouldn't have been running. This is planned as has been stated, so could most likely have been delayed. Sure there will be reasons behind it, but not safety critical reasons, at least not ones where there wouldn't be signs first.

I would guess that the main reason is that it was planned in and money spent on it, so its a money issue.
I got curious and looked into it.

EDF had hoped to run it till March 2023. They performed and inspection last year and made the final decision for closure, last November following on from the inspection.

The reasoning being as follows:

This year EDF carried out a further full inspection of the graphite cores and in November it announced that it had decided to set a final closure date “not later than” 15 July 2022. Matt Sykes, managing director of EDF Generation, said “As a responsible operator we feel it is now the right thing to do to give clarity to our staff, partners and community about the future life of the station.”

It's a bit vague on why they brought the timeline forward but, based on the wording it had probably reached their designated safety factor for allowable degradation in the graphite cores faster than they had anticipated and EDF have determined that it was not worth the risk in the continued operation of the system.
You calling me clueless on a forum isn't resolving the issue. If you're so confident it was the right decision you either:
1/ have seen the data/reasoning yourself
2/ are trusting in others without verification

Its all about the detail here. But Im pretty confident if there was a safety critical issue then it wouldn't have been running. This is planned as has been stated, so could most likely have been delayed. Sure there will be reasons behind it, but not safety critical reasons, at least not ones where there wouldn't be signs first.

I would guess that the main reason is that it was planned in and money spent on it, so its a money issue.

Do you apply this same "common sense" to everything that an expert tells you?
What about skilled people?
Its why we have experts/skilled people after all
They have plans to have new far smaller flexible nuclear power generated by the end of the decade. That time line would be very impressive, if they already did a good job theres no good in criticising them for continuing on that successful planned cycle.
The screw up on energy security was known as a problem decades ago, Germany walked into this by having a East German leader who grew up with this Russian influence they were compromised in judgement to rely 60% of their energy with Russia. Their mistake is now our problem also as we share energy across europe naturally but we also screwed up not having power recognised as pivotal to an economy, we werent occupied by Russia for half a century so no excuses.
They have plans to have new far smaller flexible nuclear power generated by the end of the decade. That time line would be very impressive, if they already did a good job theres no good in criticising them for continuing on that successful planned cycle.
The screw up on energy security was known as a problem decades ago, Germany walked into this by having a East German leader who grew up with this Russian influence they were compromised in judgement to rely 60% of their energy with Russia. Their mistake is now our problem also as we share energy across europe naturally but we also screwed up not having power recognised as pivotal to an economy, we werent occupied by Russia for half a century so no excuses.

Our mistakes were many, including (most importantly in my view)
assuming the free market would bring energy resilience
allowing nimbyism to override items of national significance for prolonged periods. allow appeal of course, but actually plan it from the start
What is the solution to this crisis in the UK. Is this being replicated throughout the world?

How hard would it be for the UK to provide our own power, and how long would building new plants take?

Some of the prices and annual costs being mentioned in the last week are beyond staggering and this winter could bankrupt some people.with the state of food prices, fuel prices, people coming out of mortgage deals into new ones and this energy hike. It's just not feasible to live like this.
What is the solution to this crisis in the UK. Is this being replicated throughout the world?

How hard would it be for the UK to provide our own power, and how long would building new plants take?

Some of the prices and annual costs being mentioned in the last week are beyond staggering and this winter could bankrupt some people.

Building new plants isnt the issue

Its the free market capitalist way we run them that is
What is the solution to this crisis in the UK. Is this being replicated throughout the world?

How hard would it be for the UK to provide our own power, and how long would building new plants take?

Some of the prices and annual costs being mentioned in the last week are beyond staggering and this winter could bankrupt some people.with the state of food prices, fuel prices, people coming out of mortgage deals into new ones and this energy hike. It's just not feasible to live like this.
UK based gas extraction companies must stop selling gas on the open worldwide market and start selling to local distributors/consumers at a reasonable price. (Is this even possible?)
Of course, the shareholders will refuse to go along with this though...
UK based gas extraction companies must stop selling gas on the open worldwide market and start selling to local distributors/consumers at a reasonable price. (Is this even possible?)
Of course, the shareholders will refuse to go along with this though...
yeah you cant expect private companies to voluntarily do stuff which makes them less money (stuff that isnt illegal). It is unfortunate but true, and IF someone in that company did choose to go with their conscience then shareholders would make sure they were out of a job PDQ. It is why even though I dislike how the likes of amazon etc dodge taxes, i dont really blame them...... Government need to close loop holes and hold them to account. The problem is when some companies get so big, and so powerful they can have governments by the balls......

Which is why it needs to come from the top with government intervention and things like windfall tax and forcible restrictions on sale.
If it was running yesterday and they switched it off today, then they could have kept it going safely. What has changed between yesterday and today other than today they planned to turn it off?

If safety critical problems were present, it wouldn't have been running in the first place.

and you are qualified to say this because you have played Nuclear Power Station Simulator for a few hundred hours on steam right ?

what is it with people with zero operational knowledge of matters thinking they know best ?
It’s because they allowed private companies to control natural resources that used to belong to countries. It’s why our government can do very little other than hand our tax money over to them dressed up as tax credits ect.

Windfall tax is little more than an appeasement to the masses. It’s fanciful it doesn’t exist beyond the words uttered by politicians. Like all those broken campaign promises, it’s meaningless.
and you are qualified to say this because you have played Nuclear Power Station Simulator for a few hundred hours on steam right ?

what is it with people with zero operational knowledge of matters thinking they know best ?

I put it down to an emotion reaction.
Prices are high, anything that is going to affect that is creating emotional reaction that is greater than the logical one.

In normal times I am sure most would be going of course safety is a paramount importance in regards nuclear power.
Right now they are OMG!!11! thats going to put bills up, who is allowing this, can we check, are they doing it so they can put prices up even more? etc etc
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