I agree.
There will (as always has been) people who fall through the cracks. And it is a little more complex than income tax as you can do it
Per house - benefits rich single people in apartments vs poorwr people in bigger families in badly insulated houses.
Per person - benefits big houses, harder to keep track of.
But in general. As a principle, I do agree that individuals running expensive hot tubs or crypto rigs should pay more.
Especially if we are near rationing
But I expect they'd be waaay too many people who are already worse off who would fall foul of this. Seems to be this group who are in badly insulated homes. Or with poor heating systems or even electric heating.
Not sure how you'd make it fair.
Some kind of tier pricing ala income tax is the only thing I can see vaguely working, and even then it's not great.
The first x kwh used per day (or month) is charged at y rate, then more usage at a higher z rate, etc.
The problem is working out the tier thresholds, and allowances for things like having kids, etc.
It just becomes too complex to actually enforce.