Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

27 Feb 2015
The shortest route to nationalisation I think would expect be to take over the power station EDF is building, commission a few more, then put them under bulb's assets and that would be the new state owned energy company, BP etc. can stay private, whilst bulb could buy assets from them.

But I agree with 413x, we not going to get this government doing that, its 180 over their ideology and its a long term investment which just doesnt happen in this country now. They will do the cheapest way out they can find.
21 Oct 2012
London/S Korea
You guys are going the long route to solve the problem.

Forget creative accounting to rob peter so you can pay Paul. Forget windfall taxes and energy credits. That’s not good enough. The global market price needs addressing, we already know certain players are creaming it off the back of this crisis. Deal with at the source.
Agree. The way energy is priced is completely broken. Setting prices globally and then doing nothing when there is energy being put into the grid for a few pence but they have to charge much more. Someone is making huge profit margins right now.
17 Mar 2009
On topic of my above reply. Lifted this from the citizens advice website and might prove useful for some. Full link here but summary below

Grants to help pay off your energy debts​

If you’re in debt to your energy supplier, you might be able to get a grant to help pay it off.

The following energy suppliers offer grants to their customers:

If you can’t get a grant from your supplier, you might be able to get a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust. These grants are available to anyone - you don’t have to be a British Gas customer. You’ll need to get debt advice before applying - get help from a debt adviser.

If you've already spoken to a debt adviser - check if you can get a grant from the British Gas Energy Trust.

Before you apply​

When you apply for a grant, you'll have to provide detailed information about your financial situation in your application. It could take a while to complete, and it might be worth getting help from a friend or family member. You can also talk to an adviser for help filling in forms.

It’s worth checking on the trust or fund website if there’s anything else you need to do before you apply.

For example, if your supplier is E.ON, E.ON Next or EDF you’ll need to show you’ve completed a budget sheet with a Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) approved adviser. To do this:

  1. Find an adviser using the debt advice locator on the Money Helper website
  2. Check if the adviser or their firm is on the FCA register
  3. Contact the adviser to arrange a conversation where you’ll complete a budget sheet
You can get ready for your conversation by using the Budget Planner on the Money Helper website.
As previously stated going to keep rebumping this post i made just in the chance it helps anyone, or if you know anyone who might benefit from this.
25 Mar 2004
I see no way around it.
It's just a question of who pays and when.

I think it should be an increase of the payment to the poorest. But you have to identify the poorest. Which is difficult.

Capping energy prices reduces push to solar etc too.

If bills are fixed and cost will be recouped by general tax, I won't be going solar for sure.

Imo solar is still worth it here, 28p/kwh, and even if capped, it will remain at this price for several years if this goes ahead.

That gives the solar generation a guaranteed return rate for a long time.
14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
found the Grinch!
I wouldn't say grinch, the ridiculous displays of Christmas lights that have spread across the country are just yet another visible sign of our culture of unrestrained consumption we waste huge amounts of natural resources on so many utterly pointless things. The only good thing that could come from this crisis is hopefully everyone waking up to our collective responsibility to reduce consumption, the little things that don't make a big difference to individual bills would if we all did them have a significant impact on overall consumption bringing down costs for all and reducing the damage to the planet.
31 Jul 2008
I wouldn't say grinch, the ridiculous displays of Christmas lights that have spread across the country are just yet another visible sign of our culture of unrestrained consumption we waste huge amounts of natural resources on so many utterly pointless things. The only good thing that could come from this crisis is hopefully everyone waking up to our collective responsibility to reduce consumption, the little things that don't make a big difference to individual bills would if we all did them have a significant impact on overall consumption bringing down costs for all and reducing the damage to the planet.
Comes on overclocking forum telling people not to waste energy lol..
24 Jul 2016
South West
Christmas is a make believe ritual that glorifies excessive consumption which only really benefits those that make the things being consumed. The dinner is nice the present side of it is grotesque.
14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
Comes on overclocking forum telling people not to waste energy lol..
I appreciate it was a joke but lets be honest 90% of overclocking is probably a waste of energy looking back I spent hours over volting and tweaking settings to get a little bit of extra performance out of already great chips and then spent probably half the time my computer was on surfing the net, watching youtube or doing school/uni work which could these days all be done on a power sipping pocket calculator. Modern PC's probably need an android phone inside them to run 90% of what people do with the actual PC bit just kicking in for the occasional gaming/encoding job!

So much feeds into our culture of over consumption fed by cheap energy, cheap food, cheap electronics etc etc How many devices does the average home have permanently on just for convenience sake? The cumulative inpact of this pushes consumption up accross the board raising costs for all but there is no push to educate and no push to legislate.
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20 May 2007
You guys are going the long route to solve the problem.

Forget creative accounting to rob peter so you can pay Paul. Forget windfall taxes and energy credits. That’s not good enough. The global market price needs addressing, we already know certain players are creaming it off the back of this crisis. Deal with at the source.

Indeed. "Inflation" is just *******. All it means is that someone, somewhere down the chain is making a **** ton more money.
14 Mar 2005
Here and There...
Christmas is a make believe ritual that glorifies excessive consumption which only really benefits those that make the things being consumed. The dinner is nice the present side of it is grotesque.
That is certainly what Christmas has become in this age of over consumption and social media one up man ship it certainly isn't what it once was, Christmas used to be a celebration of family with an exchange of thoughtful generous gifts sadly like so many things big business and the media have hyped it into a festival of consumption and greed some of the pictures I see of what 'santa' has delivered are utterly grotesque.
24 Jul 2016
South West
That is certainly what Christmas has become in this age of over consumption and social media one up man ship it certainly isn't what it once was, Christmas used to be a celebration of family with an exchange of thoughtful generous gifts sadly like so many things big business and the media have hyped it into a festival of consumption and greed some of the pictures I see of what 'santa' has delivered are utterly grotesque.
Especially when we are told on one hand consumption is bad for the environment. Christmas is great as a kid. It’s a means of getting toys and presents and things you want. Once you become an adult it’s meaningless unless you have kids. It’s not something that is going to disappear though, that ship has long sailed.
17 Apr 2009
Energy bills between singletons and couples are not that much different, and likewise for flats vs houses, I think you kind of assuming gas makes up the biggest part of energy costs.

You've completely failed to grasp the point; energy use from one household to the next varies considerably depending on circumstances. Heck, energy bills for users posting in this thread seem to vary from £60/month to £400/month.

I appreciate that grants to help the poorest pay for energy are effective. They ensure that money is actually spent on energy. But it's a poor solution for the general population. Take two people. One is currently paying £60/month. The other is paying £300. They're looking at bills of £108 and £540 respectively from October. How do you provide a grant that gives meaningful help to the person paying an extra £240/month without making energy cheaper than today for the person paying an extra £48/month? Capping the price of energy is a very effective way of providing proportional relief to households. And if the current cap is maintained, energy is still sufficiently expensive as to encourage households to try and save power.
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13 Jan 2010
Christmas is a make believe ritual that glorifies excessive consumption which only really benefits those that make the things being consumed. The dinner is nice the present side of it is grotesque.

Completely agree.
I hate the consumerism of Christmas. I haven't partaken in years.

Even me and my partner now put money we would spend on stuff to holidays.

I've stopped buying family stuff. And eventually they come round.

Mostly people get you stuff you could buy yourself. Or worse. Stuff you don't want. Which is a waste of money and a waste of resources.
Isn't it much better to spend time with people you normally wouldn't see?

I saw on a Facebook post about Martin Lewis saying Xmas is cancelled. Even people super poor were saying they'd rather get their kids lots of gifts than turn the heating on.
If it's that bad, wow, the consumerism bug really has gotten into people!

One of the very few positives of this crisis is maybe some people will stop buying gifts and realise it makes no difference to the experience.



13 Aug 2003
You're proposing nationalising both energy developers (oil and gas supermajors, offshore wind developers) and energy supply companies (bulb, octopus etc.), or just the latter?

If both, that is just in no way affordable or even feasible. If the latter, that won't really help the situation. The government would go bankrupt buying expensive energy and selling it at 'affordable' prices.

We're already bankrupt with all the borrowing they're doing.
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