Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

13 Jan 2010
Why is it always to the poorest? Lots of people who are on modest wages are also struggling.

We will all have to pay eventually.

Anyone who can't pay? The slack will be picked up by the rest.

Unless you are taking from the producers/refiners the money will come from us.

Its just a matter of who pays it and when
9 Mar 2003
The issue is that we have got to the point politically that they can’t be seen to be doing what the opposition suggests even if it’s the best thing to do in the situation. It’s really quite a sad state of affairs.
31 Jul 2008
Wasn't it Starmer who suggested freezing the cap? If so then there's little chance the Cons will do it. Some people are in for a very nasty shock...
No Lib Dems suggested it a week ago and then Labour nicked the idea..
17 Apr 2009
I see no way around it.
It's just a question of who pays and when.

I think it should be an increase of the payment to the poorest. But you have to identify the poorest. Which is difficult.

Capping energy prices reduces push to solar etc too.

If bills are fixed and cost will be recouped by general tax, I won't be going solar for sure.

There's going to be a lot of people needing help this Winter, not just "the poorest". And targeting support to the people who need it will be next to impossible - so much depends on life circumstances. How many people are in the household? How many hours per day are they in the house? How efficient is the house and the appliances within it? Just look at posters on here. Some are still paying as little as £60 per month, while others are paying £300-£400.

Fixing energy prices needn't be the only support provided. But it's an effective baseline. Sure, it'll reduce the clamour for energy saving measures. But many of the people who will need support this Winter aren't in a position to pay for them anyway (or live in rented accommodation, and are therefore limited in what they can do).
13 Jan 2010
There's going to be a lot of people needing help this Winter, not just "the poorest". And targeting support to the people who need it will be next to impossible - so much depends on life circumstances. How many people are in the household? How many hours per day are they in the house? How efficient is the house and the appliances within it? Just look at posters on here. Some are still paying as little as £60 per month, while others are paying £300-£400.

Fixing energy prices needn't be the only support provided. But it's an effective baseline.

Government just need to get something done so we know. Longer they leave it more people will be left in limbo.

More people they help more will need to be paid back.

Sounds like Labour want energy bills to be effectively 2k for the foreseeable future.

In which case the continued short fall will need to be picked up.

Do they do that through general tax? Increased borrowing? Tax corps?. Messing around with standing charges or unit rates to get it back will get messy
5 Sep 2010
Most median earners have got £550, so they have received assistance, and thats enough for me (it would be nice to get more as my cost of living has gone up way more but I accept there is many in far more need than myself). I am glad the £650 was limited to means tested recipients.
£550 won't go very far when the price cap is looking to be around £3k more than last winter. For your median income full time worker the increase is over a month's net pay.
27 Feb 2015
£550 won't go very far when the price cap is looking to be around £3k more than last winter. For your median income full time worker the increase is approaching one and half months net pay.
Yes people are expected to cut back, not "fully" rely on the government covering the entire increase. (under current plans)

Sunak did say he is releasing more payments if he gets in though, so what you said is a Truss scenario, and I dont agree with her no more help stance.
16 Jun 2005
In the middle
Government just need to get something done so we know. Longer they leave it more people will be left in limbo.

More people they help more will need to be paid back.

Sounds like Labour want energy bills to be effectively 2k for the foreseeable future.

In which case the continued short fall will need to be picked up.

Do they do that through general tax? Increased borrowing? Tax corps?. Messing around with standing charges or unit rates to get it back will get messy
A couple less missiles to Ukraine?
25 Oct 2004
Sunny Torbaydos
Government just need to get something done so we know. Longer they leave it more people will be left in limbo.

More people they help more will need to be paid back.

Sounds like Labour want energy bills to be effectively 2k for the foreseeable future.

In which case the continued short fall will need to be picked up.

Do they do that through general tax? Increased borrowing? Tax corps?. Messing around with standing charges or unit rates to get it back will get messy

Nothing is going to happen until September 5th at the earliest. BoJo is no longer able to act on any legislation so we literally have to wait until Truss or Sunak get in, and I doubt either of them will actually have the fortitude to do what needs doing. A complete restructuring of the energy market with national ownership
17 Apr 2009
£550 won't go very far when the price cap is looking to be around £3k more than last winter. For your median income full time worker the increase is over a month's net pay.

Depends on circumstances. £550 for a family living in a draughty old house is going to be peanuts. But £550 could pay a large percentage of the energy bill for someone living alone, in a modern flat, who goes out to work full-time.

Another reason why a cap would be a better primary measure; support becomes proportional to energy use.
13 Jan 2010
Nothing is going to happen until September 5th at the earliest. BoJo is no longer able to act on any legislation so we literally have to wait until Truss or Sunak get in, and I doubt either of them will actually have the fortitude to do what needs doing. A complete restructuring of the energy market with national ownership

Would cost 100s of billions. Theyll never do it. Its as anti tory as you can get.
27 Feb 2015
There's going to be a lot of people needing help this Winter, not just "the poorest". And targeting support to the people who need it will be next to impossible - so much depends on life circumstances. How many people are in the household? How many hours per day are they in the house? How efficient is the house and the appliances within it? Just look at posters on here. Some are still paying as little as £60 per month, while others are paying £300-£400.

Fixing energy prices needn't be the only support provided. But it's an effective baseline. Sure, it'll reduce the clamour for energy saving measures. But many of the people who will need support this Winter aren't in a position to pay for them anyway (or live in rented accommodation, and are therefore limited in what they can do).
Well when I said targeted I didnt mean they are the only people who get help, I would expect an extension to the existing measures.

I think with Sunak he will just do more of the same. So another payment for "everyone" and some more COL for pensions/means tested.
Truss I think for higher earners its just going to be the tax cuts, and she might if pressured enough do something for the poorest but I think it will be much less than what Sunak is offering as she has less money to play with since she is already committed over 50 billion of spending.

I be surprised if either freeze the cap for "everyone".

I suppose one could argue though that Labour over estimated the cost as the cap would only affect those on the SVR.
27 Feb 2015
Depends on circumstances. £550 for a family living in a draughty old house is going to be peanuts. But £550 could pay a large percentage of the energy bill for someone living alone, in a modern flat, who goes out to work full-time.

Another reason why a cap would be a better primary measure; support becomes proportional to energy use.
Energy bills between singletons and couples are not that much different, and likewise for flats vs houses, I think you kind of assuming gas makes up the biggest part of energy costs.

The new WHD went down the route you are suggesting and its very unfair and not pretty.
13 Jan 2010
If they can afford to splurge 50+ billion a train line the majority of the public are not interested in, they could manage to source the funding necessary to allow the country to be energy independant.

100+ if you're talking about hs2. I get so mad about that.

Bp alone would need way over 100bln.
25 Jul 2010
If they can afford to splurge 50+ billion a train line the majority of the public are not interested in, they could manage to source the funding necessary to allow the country to be energy independant.
You're proposing nationalising both energy developers (oil and gas supermajors, offshore wind developers) and energy supply companies (bulb, octopus etc.), or just the latter?

If both, that is just in no way affordable or even feasible. If the latter, that won't really help the situation. The government would go bankrupt buying expensive energy and selling it at 'affordable' prices.
24 Jul 2016
South West
You guys are going the long route to solve the problem.

Forget creative accounting to rob peter so you can pay Paul. Forget windfall taxes and energy credits. That’s not good enough. The global market price needs addressing, we already know certain players are creaming it off the back of this crisis. Deal with at the source.
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