Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

17 Mar 2009
To all those that scream to nationalise energy suppliers... ill leave this here for you

Bulb is in a special administration overseen by the UK government and run by the restructuring firm Teneo. The government has refused to allow it to hedge – where companies buy energy at a fixed price for a certain period – exposing it to rising gas prices.

Bulb was one of 29 suppliers to have collapsed during the energy crisis, with many caught out by sharp rises in prices combined with a lack of hedging.

The Auxilione director Tony Jordan told the Financial Times the government “was paying a high price for the lack of hedging, and costs could rise even higher if gas prices continue to soar”.

Bulb was considered too large to fail and the government stepped in to handle its administration. However, it has yet to find a buyer, with only Octopus, the UK’s fourth largest supplier, still interested in a deal.

Dont worry its only costing the taxpayer twice as much because the government decided to get its hands wet.
13 Jan 2010
I don't think that most people are aware of what's coming, speaking to people at work they just don't seem to get the size of the rises ahead

Agreed. I'm still not convinced my friend will get a mortgage.

Depends how much impact utilities is having on "cost of living" assessment banks are doing
13 Jan 2010
17 Mar 2009
This is why I fear "don't pay UK" if all the energy suppliers go bust.... What the F happens next?
They would have to step in and prop them up. The UK suppliers hire 10's of thousands of people in the UK so if they went under the mass unemployment dump, let alone the full collapse of the retail energy market would be too much to not take any action. What do they do though... is beyond me
13 Jul 2004
Stanley Hotel, Colorado
I saw a graph the other day saying gas/oil prices have gone back to pre-Ukraine prices, so why is it still going up another 2/3 times?
British pound has lost value about -13% YTD , inflation is partly as a global currency nobody wants a grubby quid to hold they want dollars; partly because oil is sold in dollars and we dont sell enough oil or other goods in exchange for what we're already importing. Every time they ban producing gas or whatever else we use every day and say as a solution we can just import it from Kazakhstan or whichever country shoots their people but has energy it becomes a problem
1 Mar 2010
Crude oil I'm referring to, apparently
Russian oil exports have been increasing so yes oil price is decreasing, but supposed to reverse as sanctions hit towards xmas, albeit, drop in petrol price would be fairly insignificant in the face of gas/electric increase.


... The response tends to be the government will have to do something they won't let that happen
even truss is coming around to this now, or rather the brains behind her candidacy have told her she won't win if she doesn't acknowledge it, as rishi has done.

To all those that scream to nationalise energy suppliers... ill leave this here for you
did you not think the Guardian article was rubbish as it did not explain why they are supposedly not permitting hedging ?
Octopus want bulb to re-enforce their position in the market , it'll be a get out of jail 'themselves collapsing' card rather than a ultruistic action
17 Mar 2009
did you not think the Guardian article was rubbish as it did not explain why they are supposedly not permitting hedging ?
Octopus want bulb to re-enforce their position in the market , it'll be a get out of jail 'themselves collapsing' card rather than a ultruistic action
The gov hasnt allowed them to forward purchase energy due to being shortsighted. Forward purchasing takes a huge financial commitment but the gov, by wanting to be cheap and not spend the money, has now cost the taxpayer TWICE the amount. There was nothing stopping them from allowing Bulb to forward purchase energy and then sell the company tacking in the prebought energy into the cost but no they decided in all their premium management skills to pray for a buyer, avoid short term cost but now double the cost to the taxpayer.

Some pro management skills there
7 Nov 2002
pantyhose factory
if energy provision was nationalised acros the continet it would probably work if governments worked together to force specific prices onto the actual extractors effectively reducing their massive proffits and dividends, talking about BP, Shell etc here. However that will never work because each government in any given continent won't have the stones to work together like this and the UK least of all. The current energy providers in the UK have no leverage at all as they are tiny drops in the ocean when it comes to the price they have to pay wholesale so the brainwashed loyal UK denizens will just carry on coughing up even if it sees them to an early grave.

Imagine the whole of Europe telling Shell to get ****** at x$ per therm / barrel etc and saying we will pay you a reasonable price that will still see you make x% profit. That would be collective bargaining power right there, but the polical classes are their hands so deep in the troughs and pockets of these large energy conglomerates it will never happen.
17 Mar 2009
Imagine the whole of Europe telling Shell to get ****** at x$ per therm / barrel etc and saying we will pay you a reasonable price that will still see you make x% profit. That would be collective bargaining power right there, but the polical classes are their hands so deep in the troughs and pockets of these large energy conglomerates it will never happen.

I think you are missing a few things here it's not so much about political classes having their hands in these companies, it's a case of we cannot go cold turkey off the supply and they know it. If all of europe told Shell to jog on, they would stop producing and within days or maybe a week max Europe would be begging the supply be turned back on when their populus demands gas to heat their home and to cook or demands the gas for power generation
3 Jun 2012
As we’re due to move into a new building soon (commercial), had a quick look at what rates will be like - either 67.5p/KWh or fixed 2 years @ 70.5p/KWh … just a bit steep!
We're lucky, we moved into a new office last Oct.
Got a 3yr fixed deal with octopus at 25pkw.
Can't complain at that.
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