Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Truss VAT - the 'usual' fix we've seen before and lets be honest it's likely going to be 2.5% at most, they can't afford a 5% VAT cut and it's just for headlining...this country can't afford to lose 38 BILLION in taxes.

Even if it was 5% (and we'll ignore the business side of things) you save 5p per pound spent.... so on the yearly duel fuel bills of £3549 would save £177.45, which will be instantly lost come 3 months from now when they do the next round of price increases. Even if you go with Sunaks removal of VAT on fuel suggestion you'd only save £710. Either way considering that energy bills have more than doubled it's not really going to be enough.

Even if we do get a vat cut I honestly can't see much of a change to prices, they'll just use the extra few pennies they gain as some extra money to pay the bills, so for consumers it's likely not going to do much (although my broadband cost would likely go down as it's fixed price + VAT :)...) Mind you I've found it funny when I go food shopping that the price of 'essentials' keep going up due to 'rising costs' (understandable to a point) yet somehow, even though milk has massively increased in cost, chocolate is still the same price.....:o

As to Boris saying the next PM will fix things, well he technically can't do anything as he's now the 'caretaker' until the decision for next PM is made (this could have been done a LOT faster in all honesty). Also find it funny how Labour (Keir especially) keeps saying about how Boris/Conservatives are 'missing in action' all while forgetting to mention they wanted a vote of no confidence on Boris which could have left us in the exact same situation we're in now :rolleyes:
In 2021 i used an avg 9.3kwh electric and 45kWh gas per day.

3 bedroom house, with 2 kids.

Changed my boiler in feb this year so hopefully that is a bit more economical, also going to swap daily baths to showers, started turning off the router, sky and tv at the wall on a night.

Im hoping all these little changes help.
In 2021 i used an avg 9.3kwh electric and 45kWh gas per day.

3 bedroom house, with 2 kids.

Changed my boiler in feb this year so hopefully that is a bit more economical, also going to swap daily baths to showers, started turning off the router, sky and tv at the wall on a night.

Im hoping all these little changes help.

45kWh of gas per day?!? I'd certainly hope your new boiler is more economical. Even in the depths of January we averaged around 11kWh gas and 6kWh electricity per day with gas central heating and electric hob/oven for 2 people. Annual average was much lower obviously.

Without external forces like the current crisis, would you have replaced your boiler anyway?
Turning off your router at the wall every night is one of the dumbest things I've heard so far.
This is where smart plugs come in handy, you can actually test how much power devices are using and make changes that make sense. Sky box is probably one of the worst as it never "turns off" it has no standby.
How are they working out these very high costs? -
If we keep the CAP, the electric is 70p then 90p /unit in january/April no wizardry.
the concept of a CAP does not exist in DE , maybe they bought their energy further in advance , rather than last minute12months as the cap permits, need some blue-sky thinking by the conservatives (&labour)

On top of the poor help for UK households have to remember we also start from being poorer than EU counterparts - double whammy.
those 45K middle income are 9% poorer than de/fr, poorer families 20% less - that's inequality.


As said - and your eco credentials are ? no flights. no vehicle use ... saving the planet starts at home.
It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.

I have and always will be on the most economic energy supply possible such as 100% renewable for both gas and electric even at higher costs. No I don't fly anywhere. Haven't done for over 5yrs and not planning to anytime soon.

I have to drive for work (there is zero public transport available for my journey) but I pay into carbon neutral Britain to offset my carbon footprint to some extent. And I work two days at home to reduce my travel as much as possible.

I only use the seasonally available fruit ls and vegy dad produces from his allotment and habe only used rainwater for my garden and washing car since I moved into my home 7yrs ago.

I only watch maximum 4h TV a week to keep both my energy use and costs down and my hobby is mountain biking which is pretty carbon low hobby.

I have a 3D printer but will use only biodegradable resin that is safe to environment.

So yes I might not be 100% perfect course but I'm also trying my best within my life restrictions whilst supporting my family.
This is where smart plugs come in handy, you can actually test how much power devices are using and make changes that make sense. Sky box is probably one of the worst as it never "turns off" it has no standby.
Unnecassary if you have smart meters already and they'll take forever to pay for themselves since most standby usage is already pretty minimal, a lot don't measure energy use either, - just check the IHD or link it up with the Bright app to view on your phone (takes longer to update though).

I went around a few weeks ago doing this and found leaving the extension cord which has an old TV, PS4 and some other stuff connected switched on overnight was costing me about 1kWh a day. Most other stuff is minimal and not worth turning off.
45kWh of gas per day?!? I'd certainly hope your new boiler is more economical. Even in the depths of January we averaged around 11kWh gas and 6kWh electricity per day with gas central heating and electric hob/oven for 2 people. Annual average was much lower obviously.

Without external forces like the current crisis, would you have replaced your boiler anyway?
45kWh per day averaged over the year is fairly typical use. Your 11kWh per day isn't, that's very low use, you're either very lucky or very cold :D
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45kWh per day averaged over the year is fairly typical use. Your 11kWh per day isn't, that's very low use, you're either very lucky or very cold :D

Then our housing stock is in much worse shape than we deserve. We live in a 2 bed flat that's around 7 years old - so perhaps much better insulated than most homes, but we weren't cold at all. Heating set to come on twice a day over winter and the thermostat rarely showed less than 20C during the day when we were WFH.

I'd have to have a gas hob and be using all 4 to heat the flat all day to use 45kWh.

I remember working at B&Q before I went to uni back in 2007 and the big push to sell cheap effective loft and wall insulation - clearly that didn't actually improve many houses if we're still using so much gas to keep them warm, on average.
started turning off the router, sky and tv at the wall on a night.

Im hoping all these little changes help.
Honestly the router shouldn't be using that much to make a difference and turning it on/off could actually end up causing you more issues with things like line speed as it might be seen as line issues. I'd grab a plug in power meter thing if you haven't already and check it but it's likely not going to be that high. To give you an idea, according to the real time meter the essentials (ie fridge, freezer, router, ups) in my house don't even hit 100watts (0.1kwh) unless the fridge/freezer are on their 'cool down cycle'
Honestly the router shouldn't be using that much to make a difference and turning it on/off could actually end up causing you more issues with things like speed as it might be seen as line issues. I'd grab a plug in power meter thing if you haven't already and check it but it's likely not going to be that high. To give you an idea, according to the real time meter the essentials (ie fridge, freezer, router, ups) don't even hit 100watts (0.1kwh) unless the fridge/freezer are on their 'cool down cycle'
10-15 watt used from router so whatever that works out by having off for 6-8h daily.
10-15watt used from router so whatever that works out by having off for 6-8h daily.
15w x8 = 120w so 0.12kwh at most saved per day or 43.8kwh per year.... like I say hardly worth it considering the other issues it could cause and in some cases 'booting up' might end up removing any savings due to all the 'processing' it does on boot up. Not to mention 'power on' is usually the most stressful side of electronics and could end up causing the router to fail.
Then our housing stock is in much worse shape than we deserve. We live in a 2 bed flat that's around 7 years old - so perhaps much better insulated than most homes, but we weren't cold at all. Heating set to come on twice a day over winter and the thermostat rarely showed less than 20C during the day when we were WFH.

I'd have to have a gas hob and be using all 4 to heat the flat all day to use 45kWh.

I remember working at B&Q before I went to uni back in 2007 and the big push to sell cheap effective loft and wall insulation - clearly that didn't actually improve many houses if we're still using so much gas to keep them warm, on average.
I did wonder if you were living in a flat, that would explain it. If you're really lucky with your flat positioning you'll have one external wall and all other walls will be internal, another flat below and above, makes for very cheap/free heating. Huge difference to heating a detached 3-4 bed house with external walls on all sides, well insulated or not they aren't comparable.
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