Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

I could be wrong with my Zone, but it would make sense that most of the UK is on the same zoning. Individual residential usage must be a drop in the ocean compared to industrial / business use.

I guess we'll find out over the next few months :D
I'm struggling to get my head round this..

Bulb have just put up my electricity price (variable tariff) to 38p/kwh. Apparently if it were not for the government support this would be approx 60p/kwh.

The thing is, I have an apartment in Riga, Latvia having lived there for years and there too, prices went up on the 1st of October. In Latvia, where at the moment there is no government support my electricity price went up to 0.18 euro/kwh, or approx 15p/kwh.

Latvia is far more exposed to gas shortages than we are over here.

How is this possible? Where is all that extra money going.....

Interesting post - this was the Gas price across Europe in late August. Maybe Latvia don't use gas to generate most of their electricity, hence the cost is much less.

Block C here. Decent timings as I'm in the office Mon-Wed so the only affecting one is 2130-0030 on Monday nights, but we're heading to bed at around 2130 anyway so...

The next levels up don't make for nice reading though :D better hope people take it upon themselves to reduce energy usage so we can avoid the blackouts.
Our electricity pricing is currently tied too closely with the cost of gas units. Even if the UK managed to generate every single kW from renewable sources and use no gas, electricity prices would still be @ 60p/kWh due to our pricing structure
Something the government said they were looking to address. They don't seem in any rush do they?
My British Gas smart meter hasn't logged anything back to them since the 11th June. Checking the settings in the monitor it has an error Status 41 waiting for cloud service.

I keep messaging them every couple of months, apparently it's a known issue "The tech team are still working hard to correct this and will upload the fix remotely when they are in a position to do."

Is anyone else having the issue or are they making things up? :)
Post makes no sense. Unit prices are capped in the UK at about 35p right now for electricity.

I can assure you I can read the numbers off the letter written to me by Bulb - 38.59p per kwh (electric). Which would be about 60p per kwh without the energy support scheme.

But I did make a mistake - I've read the price for the september bill which is 18c per kwh, it may or may not go up again. The support package that will come into play this month is'nt exactly clear, I've shown the link you posted (thanks) to my partner (who's Latvian) we still don't get it, even from info written in Latvian.

In particular:

"Households will receive the first 100 kWh a month for a fixed tariff that does not increase EUR 160 per MWh"

Unless I'm completely miscalculating average energy usage, 100 kwh/month is nothing.

Which is all by the by. I believe that previously Latvia received 100% of its gas from Russia for both heating and electricity generation, apart from some hydro-electric power, they don't really have any other way of way of producting power.

The point being I expect my bill in Latvia to be an awful lot less than here in the U.K. I don't think the support package is actually anything that special - so where is all the money going here?

I suspect profiteering. For reference the spot price for electricity in the U.K right now is £280 per mwh. Or 28p per kwh.
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