Energy Suppliers

cant even log in to EON next, But im at work and dont have the Readings to hand, Hoping that i can submit them this evening otherwise im screwed as its been atleast 3 or so months so i last submitted
Wonder how many will take this oportunity to "add" a little extra onto the meter reading. My Electric will go down by more then half since i am no longer Mining bitcoin as of today so the rise will hopefully not seem too bad
what is the going rate per KWH now.

i have been on a long fixed price contract so avoided all the price rise but the contrat ends soon and im worried what my new prices will look like
what is the going rate per KWH now.

i have been on a long fixed price contract so avoided all the price rise but the contrat ends soon and im worried what my new prices will look like

If you are coming out of a fix you're probably looking at at least a doubling.

Morning all. Some good advice from Martin Lewis in the two videos shared @the shadow and @Zenduri . I take it everyone who is currently on a variable rate, and therefore on the market cap, will be wise to take meter readings today before the market cap rise tomorrow. I'm currently on a 12 month fixed deal with Octopus that runs out on the 18th of April so presumably for me I should carry out my meter reading at the end of my fixed tariff before I then go onto the dreaded market cap rate?

you're correct, read it on the 18th as no point in you taking a reading for the SVT change tomorrow
Octopus website is crashing, looks like many people unable to submit meter readings.

All suppliers are getting hit hard today and tomorrow i expect. 2911 calls waiting and 704 active calls at the moment for EonNext.

Side note if you have a functioning smart meter there should be no need to take a read as it should poll a read at midnight
Side note if you have a functioning smart meter there should be no need to take a read as it should poll a read at midnight

Thats what I thought. Mine submits half hourly readings, so I shouldn't need to manually send a reading in today! That was one of the main points of getting a smart meter!
Thanks, nice to know I have my thinking right.
i would prob still grab a photo of the readings though.

Going to be a lot of data pushed through the DCC tonight and tomorrow so the potential for something to break is higher and its prob worth at least having a manual record just in case lol
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