Energy Suppliers


Anyway, pretty sure they can stipulate the conditions for a particular tariff if they want to!

For the tarrif yes, reading of the meter has no impact of tarrifs (not allowed). but the reading of the meter more than once a month has to be an option in as per the SMICOP agreement set out by the government.

What tarrif and supplier is it?
17.3.6 Take half hourly meter readings, provided you have consented. We will have written to you asking for your consent either during the installation of your Smart Meter, or at the point we became aware you had a Smart Meter already installed from a previous supplier. If you change your mind after giving us consent to take half hourly readings and would prefer we only take either one reading per day or one reading per month, you can contact us. This will only be possible if you are not on one of our half hourly tariffs such as Agile Octopus;

so what does the bill look like (with go/agile tarifs) do they show you how much you have used in every half hour slot ? can't see any examples on the web

for agile I would want to know how many units @33p kw/hr I was using during peak times
I'm confused, that's basically what I posted initially. To use that tariff you need to be able to provide meter readings every 30 minutes (if that requires an opt in then that's what you need to do), which you then said was against the law.

Anyway, I'm not bothered about opting in if I can get 160 miles out of my car for ~£2!
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so what does the bill look like (with go/agile tarifs) do they show you how much you have used in every half hour slot ? can't see any examples on the web

for agile I would want to know how many units @33p kw/hr I was using during peak times

No idea to be honest, I only put the switch in on Thursday, to start 1st April to coincide with my current fixed tariff ending, with the go tariff the times/rates are fixed anyway, it's just like economy 7, except the night rate is only 4 hours
No idea to be honest, I only put the switch in on Thursday, to start 1st April to coincide with my current fixed tariff ending....,
I sent octopus an email to ask about their energy monitor/billing .... but would be interesting to hear how it pans out.

This is what I need to setupHome Power Monitoring using a Raspberry Pi.

How accurate? The consumption I'm billed for is within a couple of % of the loop monitor, its the electricity side which isn't 100% accurate because it uses an induction monitor, the gas side uses an optical pick up.
The energy meter I bought works on the pulse of my meter (rather than the clamp design) and seems pretty accurate (both live and with the ongoing measurement matching with my read usage). Only problem is the one I have doesn't have any way of outputting to a PC, if it did it would be awesome.

It might be possible to use the sensor with a receiver that can, not quite sure what frequency it works on.
its the electricity side which isn't 100% accurate
yes, I should have clarified, electric is my context (voltage unknown to loop, is 'variable' etc)

The energy meter I bought works on the pulse of my meter
you have the openenergymonitor one ?

One based on raspberry pi, or moreover a (wifi enabled) esp8266, looks as though it could be sub £20, communicating data to a laptop/pc.
I dont think it's black and white 11p unit off-peak up to 33p peak .. if you download their excel .. and if you have an electric car ....

Looks like Octopus actually have an API you can use to get your usage through
yes .. it's not bad can probably see if you've had the oven/hob/washer on,
the idtt interface they have with zwave/iot products where you could say eg. 'put the washer/dryer on if the unit price is <12p' too.
I sent octopus an email to ask about their energy monitor/billing
octopus gave a vague reply on their billing capabilities, or, indeed energy monitor, if they have one ?
I have now found this information and we do send across graphs like this for your half hourly consumption. This though would be given with all your statements that are sent out and not daily.
so maybe they give you a 'cumulative', 30min usage chart across all of the billing period ... so you cannot see individual days.
I need some advice regarding switching suppliers for both gas and electric.

I moved home at the end of November 2018 and went from First Utility to British Gas (new properties supplier). The plan was to go back to First Utility using the home move option so I started this but found out (near end of December) that they could not supply the electric due to the property not being registered on a database so the move was put on hold until British Gas could update this and give me the MPAN for the address. They did this but turns out it was the wrong one. I didn't know this until I called First Utility for an update sometime early January and was told I need to get British Gas to give me the correct MPAN and update the database. Now it's the end of February and as I've been busy with holidays and other things, I haven't contacted British Gas for the correct MPAN so currently my home move with First Utility is on hold. I don't owe them money for any gas or electric usage as I was always in credit with them and had a refund when I left, but my tariff with them had £30 per fuel exit fee.

My questions are:

Do I need to do anything or shall I just leave it and stay with British Gas/look for cheaper tariff (not first utility)?
Do I call British Gas to get the MPAN and go back to First Utility to see what they can offer?
Do I call First Utility to pay the exit fee and stay with British Gas? First Utility haven't contacted me for this so do I really need to pay this exit fee?

MPAN = Meter Point Administration Number
nothing more than you postulated
- need to check FU exit fee is not pending, can't see why they wouldn't apply it, so sort the MPAN, and continue with FU, as no ones going to beat them by £60p/a, or best case the £60 might offset the introductory bonus for somewhere like bulb.
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