with the seemingly decline of gas prices versus electric, I do wonder if getting out of an electric hob and into gas would be economic ?
2 years ago ( thread ) - it was about £40 p/a to the benefit of gas, not even considering the purchase premium for an induction hob ...
I need a loop energy meter on the hob.
(notwithstanding the governments low-carbon - ban gas 'plan')
If you can't use it for heating the unit saving cost will probably be used up and more by the daily standing charge.
If I don't have the heating on I only use an average 6 kWh of gas a day and over half of that will be for water heating daily showers and 1 bath a week.
So cheesyboy's propane gas makes more sense if you only use it for cooking, as the standing charge alone would cost more in most cases than what he's using.