But Atheists believe in the big bang or string theory or evolution
That's not true. Being an Atheist is nothing more than the
absence of a belief in a god; hence the name.
Many atheists do
happen to believe in those things, but that's not what the word itself is describing.
a in atheist, in Greek, means
without - And
theo (or theos) in Greek means god.
atheos or
atheist simply means
without god(s).
Someone's position on the existence of a god
says absolutely nothing about their position on anything else at all, including the Big Bang.
You can be an atheist who
also happens to believe in the Big Bang, you can be an atheist who
also happens to believe that the universe is eternal and has always existed, you can be an atheist who
doesn't happen to believe in either and thinks something else entirely, or you can even be an atheist who
doesn't hold any positive belief about the origin of the universe at all; it makes no difference, they would still be an atheist because the label only describes the absence of a very specific belief.
or many other things not proven with 100% certainty
I'm afraid I have to take umbrage with this too.
Trying to draw a comparison between the Big Bang or Evolution and Theism is a false equivalence.
Big Bang happened, it's proven.
Evolution happens, it's proven.
They're both testeable, observable and demonstrable things that have absolutely occured; they require no faith at all.
What you're referring to I believe, is the
theories of how they both happen/happened, which is something else entirely.
Evolution itself is an observable fact, whereas the
theory of Evolution is simply the theory we have about the mechanism by which it works.
That's a subtle but extremely important difference, and the same goes for the
Big Bang; we can literally look at it through a radio telescope that's sensitive enough to pick up Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, so we absolutely
know that this thing we refer to as the Big Bang happened. What we don't know for absolute certain is the mechanism by which it happened, and that's where the theory part comes in.
If you believe that a God/Gods created the universe or the universe was created with space and quantum magic it's all the same really
Again, they're not at all equivalent positions.
One explanation has
zero demonstrable evidence in support of it, and requires pure faith as a result; the other is the best current explanation that we have, and is based upon an absolute plethora of repeatable, demonstrable evidence that requires no faith at all.
Now that doesn't mean that the latter explanation is a complete one, and has everything all worked out, in fact quite the opposite; it's a continual refinement of our understanding over time based upon ever improving, yet repeatable experiment and evidence.
Only the God explanation claims to have everything worked out, even though it is unable to provide any evidence in it's support.
Anyway, sorry to jump all over your post. Please don't take it personally!