England flag 'can provoke racism'

Balddog said:
Youve only got a flag because the English chose to let you have one..

what a complete load of tosh, the welsh would have had a flag even if the english hadn't "chosen to allow them". Whether it would have been officially recognised is another question
Iraklis F.C. said:
off topic , what is the history behind this dragon?
It's the dragon that St George killed :p

(It's not really and afaik has absolutely nothing to so with it)
Tru said:
I think waving an England flag in Wales (and Scotland of course) isn't a great idea. Most of us don't care but there's an element who wouldn't take kindly to it, and it's this type of idiot that tends to be predisposed to violence. A bit of discretion should be exercised.

Not suprising that the reverse isn't true - what is it with the small mind/big chip mentality that abounds in these subjugated provinces
wsurfa said:
Not suprising that the reverse isn't true - what is it with the small mind/big chip mentality that abounds in these subjugated provinces

I get the feeling that you lot loved being hated, and now that hatred has been replaced by raging indifference, you've got the hump.
Psyk said:
It's the dragon that St George killed :p

(It's not really and afaik has absolutely nothing to so with it)


strangely the old greek flag looks alike the english one

Tru said:
I get the feeling that you lot loved being hated, and now that hatred has been replaced by raging indifference, you've got the hump.

Worlds largest empire and all that - we made it and then got you sweaties to do the paperwork.

We find the celtic rage all a bit amusing really, a bit like the baby brother that shouts and spills his food to get attention
wsurfa said:
Worlds largest empire and all that - we made it and then got you sweaties to do the paperwork.

We find the celtic rage all a bit amusing really, a bit like the baby brother that shouts and spills his food to get attention


I guess that copper up north did know something after all, guess it is a minority though.
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wsurfa said:
Worlds largest empire and all that - we made it and then got you sweaties to do the paperwork.

We find the celtic rage all a bit amusing really, a bit like the baby brother that shouts and spills his food to get attention

What would the other pooves in your morris dancing troupe say if they knew you were using such ungentlemanly discourse?
Hugogo said:
I go to university in wales and we dont get a let up from the incesent use of the welsh flag in our face...it may be 'their own area' but its no reason to push it in our face. Give and take is what I say.

Tis true I go to uni in wales, fantastic country and big up on them for having some national pride, us poor english when we get a flag get told its racist even if being used in our own country ! maddness ! about time we put up loads flags of our own country, like every other country does
Combat squirrel said:
Tis true I go to uni in wales, fantastic country and big up on them for having some national pride, us poor english when we get a flag get told its racist even if being used in our own country ! maddness ! about time we put up loads flags of our own country, like every other country does

Where in Wales?

Can't be Cardiff :confused:
Crazy news. I don't see the problem to be honest, but as a few people have expressed, it's because of the minority of people spoiling it for the majority.

Personally, I have no problem from it and we fly a St George Cross on a flagpole. Anyone in my village will also have noticed the extreme 'flaggage' up and down the high street. Not to mention the insanely huge flag flying from the Blacksmith Arms.

Nothing wrong with patriotism :)
Cyber-Mav said:
just use the union jack, no one will complain then.
I'd complain, people are flying the cross because England are in the World Cup no other reason really. Wales, Scotland & N. Ireland aren't:)
I'm confused.
Does this mean that English people actually live in Wales or are the English going to Wales and flying their flags?
Where is Wales?
Is it a village in Ireland somewhere?
Can't believe nobody has posted the obvious thing that came up last year

Information Release.

Due to the nature of the quality of driving in England the Department of Transport has now devised a new scheme in order to identify poor drivers and give good drivers the opportunity to recognise them whilst driving. For this reason as from the middle of May 2006 those drivers who are found to be driving badly which includes:

- overtaking in dangerous places;
- hovering within one inch of the car in front;
- stopping sharply;
- speeding in residential areas;
- pulling out without indication;
- performing U turns inappropriately in busy high streets;
- under taking on motorways and
- taking up more than one lane in multi lane roads,

These drivers will be issued with flags, white with a red cross, signifying their inability to drive properly. These flags must be clipped to a door of the car and be visible to all other drivers and pedestrians. Those drivers who have shown particularly poor driving skills will have to display a flag on each side of the car to indicate their greater lack of skill and general lower intelligence mindset to the general public. Please circulate this to as many other motorists as you can so that drivers and pedestrians will be aware of the meaning of these flags.
Department of Transport.


i'm happy the flag identifies muppets ;)
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