English League Football ** spoilers ** [2nd - 3rd October 2010]

Yes gobbledigook it all up into an indiscriminate mish mash if you will, but some players do it far more than others. And as I say again, there are a very minority few, like De Jong, like Shawcross, that just so happen put their fellow professionals out for weeks on end. Repeatedly - they have a history of these types of barbaric fouls. The majority are getting a bit physical, the few that I keep remind you are utterly dangerous; it's behaviour that can't be justified and glossed over 'as a bit physical'.*

You go on with your gobbledigook mish mash like it happens every week, when in fact its about 2 tackles out of 2,000. Seriously fella, get a grip. Maybe attend a football match every now and again?

Muscle consistency (which makes as much sense as the arguments you're making I'm not even certain what that means?!) has nothing to do with it - do all players of Shawcross and De Jong's size have a history? No.

Bold: Really? Or should a stronger player know that he's significantly more well built than somebody else and show a bit of restraint? Or perhaps learn how to tackle - there is an art to it don't forget, that involves not seriously injuring another player. Or more worryingly, are you actually inferring it's the fault of those victims because they're smaller. For example it's Ben Arfa's fault he suffered a broken leg simply because he's smaller than De Jong (totally ignoring the fact that it was totally unnecessary to attempt to do so in that fashion?).

You've misunderstood me, again. A little man should know not to go all into a 50/50 challenge with a player twice his size, the De Jong tackle was a bad tackle, I've never disputed that, he was 100% wrong (him being cut out of the Dutch squad is a nothing move as Van Bommel does the same job, but perhaps a bit dirtier ;)).

Great centre backs over the years have been great because they're massive, ugly, and scare the crap out of the players running at them. They're an English institution. Keown, Adams, anyone?

Spitting : it basically means that Hull City realised their allegations were utterly false, video evidence proved this, but then going by what you were insinuating above you seemingly don't hold such evidence in high esteem at all do you? ;) **

Nope. Have you got a source for this? From what I read at the time it seemed Brian Horton didn't bother taking it any further because he knows the FA are useless at punishments.

So do you think it's worth it, or not?**;)

Do I think they should act on broken limb fouls retrospectively? Yes, of course. De Jong would be banned for quite a few matches if it happens. The bad news for you is if that were to have happened with the Ramsey accident Shawcross wouldn't have missed any more games than he did because it was a 50/50.

It was discussed to death at the time and the fact you've still got such strong feelings towards makes it clear you haven't gotten over it. Can you get your next lot of gibberish back to me fairly quickly? It's been fun, but I'm way past being bored of you. :)
Nope. Have you got a source for this? From what I read at the time it seemed Brian Horton didn't bother taking it any further because he knows the FA are useless at punishments.

You do realise Fabregas was booked for that, and it was actually for yelling at Ballack. Ballack never complained, the director of communications at Munich even came out afterwards and said that he didn't spit. But heck don't let some grainy youtube footage get in the way.

I mean we could believe Phil Brown's story about the spitting, but when he comes out with this after the same game:

“He wouldn’t shake my hand when we beat them fairly 2-1 at the Emirates, he wouldn’t shake my hand when they beat us, fairly, 3-1 at the KC Stadium.”

And then this picture exists http://i40.tinypic.com/2rolr90.jpg I'd suggest he's full of ****.
Brown was exposed as one of the biggest tools ever during his last few seasons at Hull, some of the things he did were utterly cretinous. Hardly a surprise that he's still out of work
You go on with your gobbledigook mish mash like it happens every week, when in fact its about 2 tackles out of 2,000. Seriously fella, get a grip. Maybe attend a football match every now and again?

No, I stand by what I said before, this ^ doesn't even make any sense. What does it have to do with what you quoted (written by myself)? :confused: So what if the tackles are the very minority, my point is when the consequences happen history has shown that two players in particular have been known to do them*.


You've misunderstood me, again. A little man should know not to go all into a 50/50 challenge with a player twice his size, the De Jong tackle was a bad tackle, I've never disputed that, he was 100% wrong (him being cut out of the Dutch squad is a nothing move as Van Bommel does the same job, but perhaps a bit dirtier ;)).

Great centre backs over the years have been great because they're massive, ugly, and scare the crap out of the players running at them. They're an English institution. Keown, Adams, anyone?

So from Terry and Vidic, to Keown and Adams? Hilarious! :D And damn right insulting that you'd even think of comparing Shawcross to the Arsenal two. I'm pretty certain United and Chelsea fans would probably feel the same.

Oh my god - not a Youtube video, would this mean :

you're sad enough to track down YouTube videos (a very reputable source for opinions and totally in-context video clips, honest) [which] proves you've got a serious problem,...

Or are only some of us allowed to use evidence should it suit them?

Have you got a source for this? From what I read at the time it seemed Brian Horton didn't bother taking it any further because he knows the FA are useless at punishments.

Hilarious made up garbage to back up a totally false argument.

So you've strayed off topic repeatedly, until we're at Fabregas (I still haven't had a logical answer as to why). You first allege that he spat at Hull (this why it's so funny - what the hell does it have to do with De Jong/Shawcross?Do please for the love of god - tell me!).

Then when that didn't happen, you suddenly meant against Bayern eh? But alas :-

You do realise Fabregas was booked for that, and it was actually for yelling at Ballack. Ballack never complained, the director of communications at Munich even came out afterwards and said that he didn't spit. But heck don't let some grainy youtube footage get in the way. ~~


That my friend is something which can therefore be called slanderous (it appears your club and some fans don't know what the term means, so there you go! :p).

Do I think they should act on broken limb fouls retrospectively? Yes, of course. De Jong would be banned for quite a few matches if it happens. The bad news for you is if that were to have happened with the Ramsey accident Shawcross wouldn't have missed any more games than he did because it was a 50/50.

It was discussed to death at the time and the fact you've still got such strong feelings towards makes it clear you haven't gotten over it.
Can you get your next lot of gibberish back to me fairly quickly? It's been fun, but I'm way past being bored of you. :)

Once again - I will have to repeat that I'm having a go at the player's history, not that incident in particular:

He really [is getting a history and becoming] a Dutch Ryan Shawcross,...
No, I stand by what I said before, this ^ doesn't even make any sense. What does it have to do with what you quoted (written by myself)? :confused: So what if the tackles are the very minority, my point is when the consequences happen history has shown that two players in particular have been known to do them*.


So from Terry and Vidic, to Keown and Adams? Hilarious! :D And damn right insulting that you'd even think of comparing Shawcross to the Arsenal two. I'm pretty certain United and Chelsea fans would probably feel the same.

Oh my god - not a Youtube video, would this mean :

Or are only some of us allowed to use evidence should it suit them?

Hilarious made up garbage to back up a totally false argument.

So you've strayed off topic repeatedly, until we're at Fabregas (I still haven't had a logical answer as to why). You first allege that he spat at Hull (this why it's so funny - what the hell does it have to do with De Jong/Shawcross?Do please for the love of god - tell me!).

Then when that didn't happen, you suddenly meant against Bayern eh? But alas :-


That my friend is something which can therefore be called slanderous (it appears your club and some fans don't know what the term means, so there you go! :p).

Once again - I will have to repeat that I'm having a go at the player's history, not that incident in particular:


Probably the best post in this thread.

I would add, that the rest of the football world laughed at Le Boss when he dared to question the errr, questionable tackling in the Premiership, and now, because the red tops are behind it, pretty much everyone else is.

Laughable mang!

Have you got a source for this? From what I read at the time it seemed Brian Horton didn't bother taking it any further because he knows the FA are useless at punishments.
I would suggest you prove your side of the story here first, because even Hull fans concede that Brown was talking out of his arse for that whole "Fabregas spat at me" skit.
Ignorant, naive, paranoid. No point arguing the case any further in a hive full of Arsenal and Utd internerd armchair pundits. I'll be back when the EPL resumes, I'll ride in on my high horse from still being 4 or 5 places above the Arsenal Rugby club in the discipline table. Carry on with your circle jerk. :D
Ignorant, naive, paranoid. No point arguing the case any further in a hive full of Arsenal and Utd internerd armchair pundits. I'll be back when the EPL resumes, I'll ride in on my high horse from still being 4 or 5 places above the Arsenal Rugby club in the discipline table. Carry on with your circle jerk. :D

Dont let the door hit you on the way out.
How on earth do you 'file a claim' ?! How would you ever succeed, how on earth would you prove he was going out to break his leg? Football is a physical sport, ok De Jong is a horribly dirty player but... I am le confused man :confused:
If its true then that is just ridiculous, It really wasnt a bad tackle as he didnt go to break his leg he went to get the ball and unfortunately Ben Arfa's leg got caught. Karly Henry should he have hit Gomez probably would have broke both legs. De Jong has done 2 bad tackles and now is being completely mobbed. Dont see Scholes for example having the back page of the sun every week despite doing similar if not worse tackles.
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Seemed to me that De Jong was doing an early reducer, letting the opposition's flair player know that he was a **** and isn't afraid to show it. He's not completely innocent and I refuse to believe that he went in two footed and then did a scissor motion around Ben Arfa's leg, just to get the ball.

He's also done a lot more than 2 bad tackles, he's done two horrendous tackles (vs USA and Alonso) and many bad tackles

I'm sure nothing will come of this though and it's Marseille's weird president trying to get some spotlight/attention, although he does have a point, it's about time people like De Jong calm down, he's been like a ticking time bomb over the last year. If you're dishing out numerous horrible challenges a year, you're either a poor tackler or being too aggressive, either way he needs to have a look at himself. Do find it a little bit strange though, there's English players with a similar history to De Jong, yet they get defended to the hilt, then when a foreigner does a few bad challenges the tides suddenly turn.
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Do find it a little bit strange though, there's English players with a similar history to De Jong, yet they get defended to the hilt, then when a foreigner does a few bad challenges the tides suddenly turn.

Are you suggesting there's a hint of xenophobia in football? Preposterous!
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