Epic Fail: Nadine Coyle sells 117 copies on first day

It is bad, but then Cheryl(happened to read it yesterday) only sold 500-550 or something in stores herself this week, its not massive.

The poop
The X Factor judge has shifted 566 hard copies of track Promise This and 27,643 on t'internet - in her second week of sales. And she sold a whopping 157,000 copies in the first week.

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepag...ngle-sells-just-117-copies.html#ixzz14ELLUNgG

so even if not accurate assume Cheryl sold 6 times as many downloads in the first week, assume she sold only 3000-3500 hard copies in her first week and hit no.1 .

Hard copy sales are pathetic, I didn't realise they were that bad, haven't bought a single for maybe probably 16-17 years and I only bought 2-3 ever in my life anyway.

I've only heard the song once but, her lyrics are cliched rubbish, there aren't actually that many lyrics and, unless I heard a weird version its actually very very weak musically as in, theres barely music behind her singing for the most part, are they trying to sell her as "the one who can sing" so wanted some uber strong singing on first single. Its just a pathetic song, then again Cheryl's music is rubbish, dance rubbish this time, and Rhianna, lol. The charts have been about idiots and their faddy music since before I can remember.
Is there anything that you don't rant about DM? :p

You seem to have something saved up for just about every topic. :p
I dunno... It sort of shows just how laughable the top 40 is...

2,439 sales gets you into the top 40?

Edit; Curse you sanaxe1, curse you. :p

Not really. It'd still take a cubic assload of sales to get into the top 10. The increase in numbers towards the top will not be linear.
Apparently, the figures could be skewed:

Nadine has thrown herself onto the promotional trail this week appearing on TV shows and doing magazine interviews, doing everything she can to plug the new song, which has been released exclusively through Tesco.

Who is to say this didn't have a big impact?
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