Epic Fail: Nadine Coyle sells 117 copies on first day

And with digital downloads only reaching 2,439, Nadine has only managed to reach number 35 in the midweek charts.
Some of my recorded flatulence would sell more copies that that.
So you can only buy it at Tesco??? :confused:

AFAIK if you completely and utterly discount the hard copies there would be almost no change in the charts, Cheryl with 27k digital sales and 500 hardcopy, no ones buying it digitally which has nothing to do with tesco's to be honest.

The question of why Tesco's bother exclusively releasing singles at their stores when no one buys hard copies anymore is the bigger question.

i hate cheryl fake cole

Its shocking that people look different at 18 and 25, shocking, amazing.

She was a teenager, dressing like most poor teenagers, now she's dressing like a grown up with money, I can't think of a single reason for the change at all. The fact that most women look VERY different at 18 and 25 shouldn't matter at all.

Britney unfortunately was meh at 16, uber hot from 18-22 and a bit urgh now. Women seem to change a lot more than men from 16-17 through to mid twenties but men look significantly different aswell.
Its shocking that people look different at 18 and 25, shocking, amazing.

She was a teenager, dressing like most poor teenagers, now she's dressing like a grown up with money, I can't think of a single reason for the change at all. The fact that most women look VERY different at 18 and 25 shouldn't matter at all.

Peoples teeth/noses don't tend to change shape quite that much though ;)
plastic surgery much? noones face changes that much on its own

"changes that much" What are you talking about? She's lost a bit of weight and had her teeth fixed.. that's it. Oh and aged 6 years (in that pic) from an adolescent to an adult..
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