Escape from Tarkov

I've given up on this, as a casual player it just stopped being fun. Couldn't afford to upgrade my guns to be on a level playing field and sneaking around to loot doesn't work either as all the hatchet runners get all the good stuff.

100% just scav shoreline....So much loot around. Usually spawn around 35 minute mark as Scav - go east wing around sanitars room, literally loads of stuff around there. Super easy pickings. I've not scav'd another map in the last 2 months. Used to be reserve but shoreline is now the place to go. East wing, then cottage.

That's an easy way to make money.

Still smashing Tarkov almost every night - nearly got Kappa again (got it last wipe).

70 million in the bank and mainly just play for PvP fights now.

Use your scav run to make money, upgrade hideout to max, use PMC for missions. Fairly easy.
100% just scav shoreline....So much loot around. Usually spawn around 35 minute mark as Scav - go east wing around sanitars room, literally loads of stuff around there. Super easy pickings. I've not scav'd another map in the last 2 months. Used to be reserve but shoreline is now the place to go. East wing, then cottage.
That's an easy way to make money.
Still smashing Tarkov almost every night - nearly got Kappa again (got it last wipe).
70 million in the bank and mainly just play for PvP fights now.
Use your scav run to make money, upgrade hideout to max, use PMC for missions. Fairly easy.

I agree that shoreline is a good map to play on. Its much more open so less contention (part from powerstation, gas station and resort choke points). ive got 7/8Mill but it's been a grind to get there. The latest patch ive been finding better loot in the places I look.
I agree that shoreline is a good map to play on. Its much more open so less contention (part from powerstation, gas station and resort choke points). ive got 7/8Mill but it's been a grind to get there. The latest patch ive been finding better loot in the places I look.

They've upped the loot in crates/boxes etc - you can find helmets/rigs etc now
Shoreline is so easy to Scav, you dont even need to hit buildings. Just do the stash runs, its not mega money, but its pretty safe, and repeatable.

Most decent players only wear Exfils / Airframes. You can pen those easy enough.

You can trade Prapor a cat for an aks u with silencer and 30 rounds of BP. Trade him Hot Rods for BS.

My fav early game gun is AKM with BP. Single shot 90% of the time so dont need uber mods. Absolute beast, can craft the ammo, and pens almost anything.

Early game now, I wouldnt even bother with helmets, maybe even armour. Its only going to help against scavs, who will probably limb shot you anyway. Sound is everything, just rock a headset, play a bit passive / rat. You dont need amazing gun skills and stats if your positioning is better.

Oh and get your BTC farm to 25 asap. Its easy money then. Like i cant even spend it fast enough anymore. Every run I die, is over a mil easy. I dont even craft anything anymore, as i just dont need the money, and im bored of buying money cases to fill up :p
Slick will definitely save your life. You can eat potentially 2 shots of top tier ammo to the throax before you die. Helmets cost way to much for how weak they are but i've been saved twice this week wearing a helmet.

Once vs a player scav that pinged my Ulach twice and another run on woods with a guy firing a mosin with LPZ rounds. Bounced right off the Ulach.
Slick will definitely save your life. You can eat potentially 2 shots of top tier ammo to the throax before you die. Helmets cost way to much for how weak they are but i've been saved twice this week wearing a helmet.

Once vs a player scav that pinged my Ulach twice and another run on woods with a guy firing a mosin with LPZ rounds. Bounced right off the Ulach.

The problem with me is that if I wear top tier kit.....thats when I die from something daft like falling or a one tap to the face.....or some rat going full auto at 1m distance.
The problem with me is that if I wear top tier kit.....thats when I die from something daft like falling or a one tap to the face.....or some rat going full auto at 1m distance.

Once you get over the "gear fear" - just run tier 5 minimum. Helmets can get 1 tapped but they are a must as @ColdAsIce says - can save your life.

15 nightime kills on PMC's then 3 bolt action rifle kills in one raid on Woods and Kappa is mine for the 2nd time
Thinking about getting back in to this. Is it still impossible ? Lol. Could never get any real traction as everything seemed so hard.

It's hard, no two ways about it. It's hardcore game, low level players this far into a wipe will find it extremely tough going. You will die a lot....

However, if you can grind out the low levels, run scavs for money/loot etc you can level up and thus open up better ammo/armour etc. However this far into a wipe it's going to be very very difficult starting at the bottom of the pile.

I started this wipe and only got out of 3 of my first 20 raids....(die 17 times and lost everything) - however, keep grinding it out and it's a fantastic game.
Is there any idea of when the next wipe is?

Potentially when they go with patch 12.9 but earliest I can imagine will be end of the year.....

Needs to be the new map as I've played through 2 full wipes now and no way can I be arsed grinding another load of the same missions again!:D:D
Think I saw something about next big one being Streets Of Tarkov.

I only really started playing this in lockdown, about a month before the last wipe I guess. It was brutal, as late wipe. But now Im a baller who rocks pimped HKs, the circle of Tarkov :p
Thinking about getting back in to this. Is it still impossible ? Lol. Could never get any real traction as everything seemed so hard.

Its really just learning your playstyle and a good route. I quit a couple of months back, but my route was SJ6 speedruns into Resort, hitting either E226 or W310 or both with the right start. Bring along a peashooter just to make some noise and aim to get out with Ledxs, graphics cards, whatever spawned going for the rock passage first. You'll die a lot, but it'll just take one good run to set you up. This late in the wipe (if there hasnt been one since I left) prices will be deflated.
Its really just learning your playstyle and a good route. I quit a couple of months back, but my route was SJ6 speedruns into Resort, hitting either E226 or W310 or both with the right start. Bring along a peashooter just to make some noise and aim to get out with Ledxs, graphics cards, whatever spawned going for the rock passage first. You'll die a lot, but it'll just take one good run to set you up. This late in the wipe (if there hasnt been one since I left) prices will be deflated.

gfx cards are down but Ledx are still going up.

With the changes to the market this time - This wipe has been harder to make money at the outset (not being able to flea anything that has been brought into raid) - but once you get going it's fairly easy to make money on scav runs etc.

Hardly ever scav now - 75 million in the bank, weapons/armour galore - no need. New shotgun is hilarious with the flash funny.
last 24 hours has proven to myself that I suck at PVP in this game. In games like Squad i'll handle 1 vs Many just fine but there is something about Tarkov with me that makes pvp extremely difficult.
Anyway, I got my first bitcoin farm up with lots of crafting going on and extra fuel in stockpile. Im hoping that this is a bit of a turning point and i'll have steady income so I dont care about gear fear as much.
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IMO Tarkov is all about confidence, best way to git gud is to develop a loadout you actually want to use with decent budget weapons etc and practice offline on reserve against high amount of bots.
Practice ONLY aiming for their head and increase their difficulty as you get better.
Soon you will be slapping raiders like its nothing and then when you play against players just think of them as more bot heads you need to pop.

Also realise that even the best players get messed up repeatedly in Tarkov sometimes.
Also realise that even the best players get messed up repeatedly in Tarkov sometimes.

Totally - I died 7 times in 7 raids on Saturday....Lost a ton of gear.

Couple of shoreline/labs runs last night - got loads of gear out.

Good days and bad. Once you have hideout up and running it's fairly comfy despite losing gear.

BIGGEST thing in tarkov is no matter how average the weapon you are using is, pay for, and use the best ammo you can afford.

AK's - BS/7n39 (or BP for the 7.62 versions)
M4/HK - M855A1 this wipe seems better/more meta, than 995.
Snipers - M61/M62 (expensive but one taps anything pretty much)
MPX/MP9 - craft 7n31, then AP6.3

Anything else is useless this far into a wipe.
Imo, Tarkov relies more on positioning, sound, and map knowledge than anything else.
Actual player skill is important, but its not the be all and end all. I wreck better players some times because Im in a better spot, or knew they were coming etc.

Conversely, I also get wrecked for being in a bad spot, running the to the wrong place, not knowing they could nade me from where they were etc.

The game changes (for me) as the wipe goes on. I rarely even loot anything but players. And ill often leave all but the best gear behind. I dont need the money, it becomes more about just trying to get kills.

Also, find someone to play with, it can make learning the game a lot easier. I dont generally play solo, I enjoy duos / trios
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I think I just fall into the 'evade' style of gameplay. Avoid pvp unless I 100% have to or just YOLO.

The sound aspect of the game I find disorientating. I've got a good audio setup and still cant figure out proximity or direction. If they could introduce a game sound stage, 'team talk' and a 'proximity talk' just like Squad then id be set; having a 5 man team in discord just makes audio a terrible, flat, mess. I find that I play solo more as I cant identify friend from foe easily enough; probably why I'm more comfortable in an evade gameplay.
I think I just fall into the 'evade' style of gameplay. Avoid pvp unless I 100% have to or just YOLO.

The sound aspect of the game I find disorientating. I've got a good audio setup and still cant figure out proximity or direction. If they could introduce a game sound stage, 'team talk' and a 'proximity talk' just like Squad then id be set; having a 5 man team in discord just makes audio a terrible, flat, mess. I find that I play solo more as I cant identify friend from foe easily enough; probably why I'm more comfortable in an evade gameplay.

Anything more than 3 in a squad is a recipe for disaster. I regularly play with 4/5 others but we rarely do 4/5 mans as it's way too chaotic - will usually split into 2 & 3 man.

Wrecked a 4 man before as a solo (high level) as they were so confused and you could see them literally shooting each other half the time.
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