Essential Android Apps

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Google Instant For Android 2.2+ now

Google’s mobile blog released some impressive numbers today in regard to the availability of Google Instant for mobile: the service is now ready for Android 2.2+ and iOS4 devices in 28 different languages and 40 countries.

If you’re a non-US Android (… or iOS) user and want to check availability for your locale, simply go to the Google homepage on your device. If "Instant (beta) is off" appears hit "Turn on", and you’ll be set to go.
Guys, wordfeud, I had to reinstall last night and i've put my email address in but now it says my account name (which I had previously chosen) is taken. I guess it doesn't hold account information open and I have to start again?
Gmail app

Is there any way to make the message text smaller in your GMail inbox of the Gmail app?

The text is so big it only allows ~8 messages on screen at once.

For example, rather than

Message 1

Message 2

Message 3

I'd want

Message 1
Message 2
Message 3

Guys, wordfeud, I had to reinstall last night and i've put my email address in but now it says my account name (which I had previously chosen) is taken. I guess it doesn't hold account information open and I have to start again?

I flashed my girlfriend's i5700 to CM-a8 yesterday and it does store account info on wordfeud - put her email address in, then it asked for a password then she logged in and all her existing games popped up in the list :)

Did you use the right email address? that sounds like you're using a different email
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