Essential Android Apps

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Delete and reinstall switchpro, I had to do that after the last update as my auto-rotate toggle wouldn't turn 'on' even though it was switched on... quick reinstall of SP and all was well :)

Other than that, +1 for extended controls
Dolphin Mini 2.0 here. Even faster since the update, renders pages quickly and the 'go to bottom of page' gesture is a god send. Out of interest, what don't you like about Dolphin Mini?

I think the common alternatives are Opera Mini or Skyfire.
I can't put my finger on what I don't like about Dolphin Mini, I will give the 2.0 update a try before I write it off completely.

It does annoy me how YT videos other flash content does not display automatically.
I can't put my finger on what I don't like about Dolphin Mini, I will give the 2.0 update a try before I write it off completely.

It does annoy me how YT videos other flash content does not display automatically.

there is an option in settings>advanced settings>plugins>always on.

Loads all the ads though unless you have an adblocker, which slows things down a lot
This iPlayer app is ****. You can't even do other stuff while it's playing the radio, nor can you lock the screen! :mad:
It does annoy me how YT videos other flash content does not display automatically.

That is (or should I say was) my only remaining gripe...

there is an option in settings>advanced settings>plugins>always on.

...but now ChroniC has resolved it! Never knew that, thanks!

Does anyone else find that their LauncherPro battery widget only updates when you click on it or reboot the phone? I'd have thought any self-respecting battery widget should remain up to date with the system battery level.
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This iPlayer app is ****. You can't even do other stuff while it's playing the radio, nor can you lock the screen! :mad:
I know, I tried it for a while but have gone back to TuneinRadio. Why they made it so you can't even lock the screen I can't fathom.. :confused:
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