Essential Android Apps

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Is there an app that will do a mobile network site survey?

I know theres several I can get but I want to check what your of signal (3g or hsdpa) and it's strength.
android noob here:

Go launcher is ace
read it later
tune in radio
live scores

does anyone recommend any apps to enhance battery life? I have been using task manager to kill apps, does this work? Ive read conflicting stuff. Using google nexus s
Task killer often makes your battery life worse.

Use auto brightness, and Llama to enable wifi when you're at known areas where you use wifi (home, work etc), and juicedefender to control your mobile data use.
Anyone figured out how to fix this? I have a stock SGS2 phone, non-rooted. All I did was get the apk for the new market (3.1.5) and since then I get the same updates offered to me every day.


Try clearing the market data and cache. Go to settings, applications, manage applications, market, then press clear data and clear cache. Next time you launch the market you should have to accept the terms again, but you won't need to sign in or anything, it will just work. See if that fixes the problems.
does anyone recommend any apps to enhance battery life? I have been using task manager to kill apps, does this work? Ive read conflicting stuff. Using google nexus s

Don't use an automatic task killer, they do more harm than good.

Juice defender is one of the most popular battery saver apps

You'll probably want a decent file manager app:

Tasker or Timeriffic are handy apps. 'Where's my droid', or one of the other similar apps is nice to have.
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I've been trying to update some apps recently and the download update is being declined. Any idea what causes this?

Some apps update fine yet some are declined. Very annoying
It's a bit of a disappointment apparently :(

•Comes with episode 1
•Episode 2 and 3 cost extra via in App payment
•No level music
•No multi-player
•No gamepad support
•No custom levels

That is disappointing, yet for 61p guess I'll give it a shot.
Try clearing the market data and cache. Go to settings, applications, manage applications, market, then press clear data and clear cache. Next time you launch the market you should have to accept the terms again, but you won't need to sign in or anything, it will just work. See if that fixes the problems.

Done, will let you know how I get on.

Anyone tried Launcher 7? Its a windows style homescreen replacement for anyone who wants the mango look. Obviously it doesn't have the full-on integration like mango, but its pretty cool.
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