Essential Android Apps

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not really new thread worthy so i'll ask in here.

you can't actually set whatsapp to vibrate when the phone is on silent can you? theres a vibrate notification option, but I don't want it to vibrate when my phone isn't on silent..
Does anyone know of an SMS app that has an Inbox you can archive from a la Gmail.

Reason is that when people SMS me and I need to follow up I want to leave it in my Inbox until I have dealt with it, but be able to archive the rest.

Failing that a way to easily forward an SMS to an email address?
New Angry Birds Rio update with Smuggler's levels, looks brilliant!

SMS Backup will backup all SMS to your Gmail under the SMS label automatically when new SMS/MMS come in or go out.
So my Desire is currently on Android 2.2, I'd like to update but I'm not sure how? I assume I need root the phone?

If so could someone point me towards a decent guide?

Also does it wipe everything on the phone? If so what could I use to backup all my apps/contacts etc.?
On the Android Market site it says "Zen Pinball THD is available for NVIDIA Tegra powered Android devices running Android 2.3 or greater!". So I guess that they've only allowed it on phones/tablets that have Tegra2, even though other stuff can still run it :(.

Not that bothered though, it was OK on the PS3 (it was free on PSN+ one time) but nothing special, doubt I'd ever play it on my phone.
I have just come accross a new application called ClipFlip. It is available for free on iPhone, and today it seems has been released on Andriod.

It allows the users to record their own videos and automatically upload them straight to the company, where small cash sums are given out depending on the quality of the video.

This morning i tried the application, and made a quick and informative video regarding how to do a certain style of drawing. I was offered 5 euros just for this.

Well worth a try if people have some spare time and want to try and make a little bit more money.

So ye the ClipFlip app!
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