Essential Android Apps

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Guys i currently am using my BB Bold whilst i wait for an upgrade on my contract from HTC Legend, will i be ok to download the apps onto my Legend and then when i upgrade to Nexus etc i can redownload the apps or will i have to pay again?

The apps are tied to your account not the phone.
Just noticed I have been charged an "overseas transaction fee" of £1.25 on a purchase of £1.30. Looks like I'll have to be careful what I purchase on the market in the future! :(

(Bank is santander if anyone is interested...)
Hmm, maybe it's time I update my market to the new one, all the 10p stuff is showing normal price :(.

Actually, it shows as 10p when I get to the confirmation part, no need to update then I guess :p.
tbh beautiful widgets doest add anything worthwhile which cant be gained through free apps, even more obsolete of your using HTC sense.
Could someone recommend me a Clock/Alarm for alarms, timers and world clock stats? (much like the stock one on SGSII, but better? :p)

Also I'm looking for a widget that displays missed calls, unread texts and unread emails.
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