Essential Android Apps

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Bought: Minecraft, Paper Camera, Soundhound & Great Little War Game. Even if I don't play the games much, it's only £0.10 and will give me any updates in the future!

Would have got Swiftkey as well, but bought it just last week.
Just picked up all the 10p games for my Archos 70, should keep the commute interesting for a while :)

Also 10p for swiftkey, there is now no excuse not to have that app!
Impressive! Just played some Asphalt 6 and it's very good! Graphics look superb as well.

after playing a bit of showdowgun all other android games look a bit pathetic :p



Google has kicked off a new Android Market promotion to celebrate 10 billion downloads, offering ten days of offers on premium software. The 10 Billion Promo sees ten apps being released each day at just $0.10 in the US (or £0.10 in the UK, as per the screenshot below), with first day titles including SwiftKey X, SoundHound and SketchBook Mobile.
Argh! Where's My Water is far too addictive! And the music is too catchy!

Dooo beee dooo! DoOO beee dooo!
Bought: Minecraft, Paper Camera, Soundhound & Great Little War Game. Even if I don't play the games much, it's only £0.10 and will give me any updates in the future!

Would have got Swiftkey as well, but bought it just last week.

I would have got some of those but the market website doesn't accept the fact that i own a phone, even if it does show me what apps i have. It's 1.5 so i couldn't run them anyway, but it would be nice to have them so i could run them in the future at some point... next time perhaps.

Ah well, contract runs out in February, we'll see what happens then :p
Using SwiftKey now but its not immediately obvious that it is that much quicker really?

Are you using the prediction bar? Once it learns your typing for a while it can pretty much predict entire sentences without having to type any words. Most words only need a few letters typed so it saves a ton of key presses. It just takes some practice to get used to looking at and selecting the predictions.
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Swiftkey learns the more you use it, you must give it time to learn from your typing style and also from sms/facebook etc.
When you have such a flexible Market system it's easy to see why it is so popular and growing!
I have a question for anyone using Friendcaster out here:

Is there only the one widget? I'm using the dark theme in the main app and it's gorgeous, but the widget is blue and has the Friendcaster logo plastered over it.
There's a simple dark looking widget if you Google image search it?
Guys i currently am using my BB Bold whilst i wait for an upgrade on my contract from HTC Legend, will i be ok to download the apps onto my Legend and then when i upgrade to Nexus etc i can redownload the apps or will i have to pay again?
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