Essential Android Apps

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Where can I find the stock email app? I've just gone to set up my hotmail account again and I don't have one - I didn't even have gmail, I had to install it from the play store lol

Going to give that outlook one a try, but in the meantime can anyone provide me a download for the email app compatible with ELK4 (4.1.2) on the S3?

Thanks in advance guys
OMG FINALLY! No need for root either :cool:

Adblock Plus

Works superbly in the browser (pages look a 100 times better, such a shame that ads have ruined the majority of sites nowadays and they also load even quicker) and blocks the ads in apps, but doesn't hide the place holders for the ads in some apps.

Only disadvantages so far is that the notification/app icon stays in the notification bar constantly and that it doesn't work on 3G (not a problem for me as I am always on wifi pretty much), I am sure that these will be sorted with an update at some point though.......

Adblock Plus might have limited functionality, depending on the Android version on your device and whether your device has been rooted:
Rooted: Blocks ads over Wi-Fi and 3G
Non-rooted with Android 3.1 or later: Blocks ads over Wi-Fi
Non-rooted with Android 3.0 or earlier: Some manual configuration is required. Please visit our website to learn how to setup your own proxy:
Also, Android does not allow ads to be blocked on SSL encrypted websites.

Will have to see if it drains the battery now......

I bet you that app developers & web site owners will be ****ed even more now! :D :p
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The 4.2 keyboard on the market is much better than all the ones on XDA, has the proper UI i.e.

The swipe trail looks much better too and of course some nice tweaks and more options.
I'm sort of in two minds, mobile ads tend to be really small (~2kb) and physically usually just sit at the top or bottom so I'm not really against them but ad free is such a nice way to view the web...
Nexus - have you figured out how to do double letterS yet? - like door/Spoon etc. It's hit and miss on 4.2 KB.
Pause the swipe on the key for about 0.3s, swype does it 10 times better for me.
OMG FINALLY! No need for root either :cool:

Adblock Plus

Works superbly in the browser (pages look a 100 times better, such a shame that ads have ruined the majority of sites nowadays and they also load even quicker) and blocks the ads in apps, but doesn't hide the place holders for the ads in some apps.

Only disadvantages so far is that the notification/app icon stays in the notification bar constantly and that it doesn't work on 3G (not a problem for me as I am always on wifi pretty much), I am sure that these will be sorted with an update at some point though.......

Will have to see if it drains the battery now......

I bet you that app developers & web site owners will be ****ed even more now! :D :p
For 3G, what if you put the proxy under the APN? Doesn't it work then?
Some sites are fine but a lot of sites just spam ads in every available space possible like xda, neowin,gsmarena.

Mobile app ads aren't too bad, but it does waste space.

Tried that keyboard method but it did absolutely nothing :p
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Ahh -

Double Letters
Swype usually knows if you want a double letter in a word without your doing anything special, but you can help Swype recognize you want a double letter by scribbling slightly or making a loop on the letter. For example, to get the "ll" in "hello", scribble (or make a loop) on the "l" key.

I think it used to say to just loop. Anyway, either way is good :)
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