Essential Android Apps

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Are you guys sure they're in the right directory and letter case etc is the same?


1: I click to choose a tone for whatever (alarm in this example)[IMG]

2: Because I have Handcent installed I get prompted to choose what to use to choose my tone, both stock app (top) and Handcent show the same tones)

3: My directory structure looks like this
Thanks dude..

I think its something to do with the Pulse Mini rom configured not to allow custom mp3s. Hmm.. just thought.. they are mp3s right??

Anyway, I'll try handscent or try get Rings Extended/Ringdroid from other sources..
I want to stick with launcher pro but every time I hit home it takes me back to the HTC home screen? Tried clearing defaults but its greyed out?
app on the market claims to let you easily switch between homes.

'Home Switcher'

cheers that helps

Why would you want/need to quickly change launchers? Isn't the idea you customise and stick with one you like?

i like bits off all 3 - sense has all my shorcuts and widgets but looks messy, i like the smooth transitions of launcher pro and i like the minimalism of ADW. i switch depending on what im doing.
It's not ever going to be possible without using clone widgets because htc widgets only work with htc senseui.
There's plenty of good apps/widgets out there. SenseUI is hardly the nicest launcher anyway (or smoothest for that matter).
It's not ever going to be possible without using clone widgets because htc widgets only work with htc senseui.

It would be possible for someone to recreate them (or pull them out of the Sense UI code) though, just nobody has bothered yet, some are working though just about, the weather widget is a pretty damn good clone :p

I personally am looking forward to the default Launcher with Froyo, not a huge Sense UI fan, though I'd rather have it as an option than not.
Can anyone tell me the name of a game I can't remember? It's a pool kind of game where you tilt the phone to knock the other balls into the pockets.

Also, launcher pro is great finally found something worth ditching dxtop for.
I do have the but the email and friends stream are what I use a lot, also I only like dark bkg with light text
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