Essential Android Apps

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Preferences > Prevent Screen Lock.

Screen will dim after your preset screen timeout period and bottom buttons will light out.
New LauncherPro is out!

More improvements :p

Not showing on the market atm but I suppose it will soon!

From the guys twitter -

New LauncherPro v0.4.2 -- Dock backgrounds, customizable drawer columns, 4x5 grid on homescreens and more!
He's too fast!

Hmm to go with the froyo dock or not to...

Also of note: Having a rooted device eff tee double u.
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Easy as pie to switch, if you want time to see if you like it when you install it will ask you which launcher you want to use with a little tickbox to save the one you select as default, just don't tick the box and everytime you go home you'll be asked which to use.

Then when you realise that launcher pro pwns just tick the box :P
My aTrackDog says that the Handcent I have is version 3.0.2 and that 3.0.3 is out but I cannot update because I cannot find handcentbut the Handcent Website goes from 3.0.1 to 3.0.3.

Basically I think long story short = What the deal y0!?
I played with Google Sky Map last night, great little pocket planetarium. The location and time based real time map is excellent. Who needs sat nav. :D
I'm sure this has probably been asked already, but I couldn't find a definitive answer with a quick search.

What's the best music player out there for my Desire? Most important to me is gapless playback. I've had a quick go with museek, but that seems a bit of a fudge. I've tried it with the default settings and it didn't work with the first two tracks I tried. I hate to say it, but it worked perfectly on my iPhone! Also it could probably be fixed by editing the meta data but certain tracks don't seem to flag correctly as being in the same album if I search by album. However, selecting one of those tracks on my iPhone, it would instantly bring up the whole album in track order. Although I've not extensively tested it, I can't seem to get anything to do this easily on Android. The best I've had is alphabetical order after manually doing a word search for the album. This seems to only effect some compilations (I believe it's something to do with whether an album is flagged as done by various artists or not).
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