Essential iPhone Apps

Can anyone recommend a good bluetooth app or any good file transfer app?

Want to send a few songs to my mates iphone 4 if it can be done.
^ You cannot send files via Bluetooth, or at least you can't send songs. Not sure if there is a way of doing it on a J'B'd phone though.

Oh, Blacksmith Games have their Appvent Calendar back again, todays free game is Sailboat Championship Pro. Worth keeping an eye on as they had some good ones last year.

Oh II - Geared is free today, well worth nabbing for those who don't already have it, great little puzzle game :)

Does anyone know if iTunes will be doing their 12 days of Christmas promo again this year? Was some great stuff there last year.
just finished cut the rope.... so good, if a bit easy...

any suggestions as to something similar...

Angry Birds - the Hallowe'en edition has just been updated to Angry Birds Seasonal with christmas levels.

If you have that it would have to Space Wolves. Sort of halfway between Cut the Rope and Angry Birds.
Just got iteleport and gotta say its an amazing app.. now i can never be less than 2 foot away from my pc incase i need to do something or check anything on my pc
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