Moto Heroz... by Red Lynx, the guys that do Trials for PC
Infinity blade is on offer at 69p
Infinity blade is on offer at 69p, is it worth picking up?
I've never played it and most of the reviews only go on about the graphics as opposed to the gameplay
It's very very repetitive. Not bad for 69p but I removed it from my iphone after it got boring.
Thanks, I went for it in the end, and the gameplay isn't bad but I agree it is pretty repetitive.gameplay is ok, much better on the second version, but still repeatitive stuff all round
Really cool app for making tunes on the go: Figure
By the people who make Reason, love how everything is controlled! And only 69p!
Draw Something - oh dear, my free time is now destroyed
Check out Tiny Tower, it's a free tower building game, quite addictive.
Max Payne is out tonight!! Looking pretty good, and price is reasonable too - $2.99, which I think should equate to £1.99. Oh and it's universal too