Essential iPhone Apps

I used to use TinyScan but then discovered how perfect Google Drive was setup for the exact same use.

You can create a folder (i.e. Receipts) and immediately take a photo with image correction and upload to your google drive for access anywhere.
The integration of the keyboard is excellent and what I'd consider seamless into iOS. It does take a little effort to get used to using but I'm liking it.

Still not sure if it's faster typing with this method or the regular. I think the key is to watch the sentence rather than the keyboard so you can spot mistakes immediately rather than ending up with a garbled mess that needs editing every time.

What I used to love about the regular keyboard is the speed you could type without looking at the keyboard and the excellent autocorrect feature which would perfectly correct almost every time. This last paragraph was typed with the regular keyboard and I haven't had to make a single correction thanks to autocorrect.
Still getting semi-frequent swaps back to the stock keyboard, though this annoyance is worth the trade-off to use a better keyboard.

Tried all of the major ones apart from Minuum (Swiftkey, Swype, Fleksy, and stock), and Swiftkey comes out on top overall IMO. Fleksy is a pain; stock feels sluggish and I tend to make bigger, uncorrectable typos on it; Swype's swiping works the best, however otherwise it is sluggish and unresponsive, and uses a very strange layout compared to stock and the hold-down for punctuation is pointlessly long. Swiftkey has the best autocorrection (though stock still has the best prediction) and is certainly the most responsive. While its swiping isn't as accurate as Swype is gets me by.
I did think about that. Have used it in the past and it does work well. I'm more just after a mousepad and keyboard remote. So I can pause movies etc (because I'm lazy :p).

If you already have splashtop installed, they also have an app called "Splashtop Touchpad" which turns your iPhone screen into a fantastic touch pad and with a click of a button you can switch to keyboard inputs too.

It's excellent.
Not tested this myself, but noticed it in a reddit thread a week or two back, trentlad

McTube - an app that allows this.


On normal youtube, if you shut the screen, then press the home button and hit play you can have the audio with the screen locked.
EDIT: Still works on IOs8 for me. Play a video on safari. Press the shoulder button. Screen goes off, audio stops. Press home button, screen comes on. Press the arrow, audio comes on, phone stays locked. Boom.
EDIT2: Yes its Youtube on the browser not the app! You ain't the first to notice. The app is **** though!
Play a video on safari. Press the shoulder button. Screen goes off, audio stops. Press home button, screen comes on. Press the arrow, audio comes on, phone stays locked. Boom.

By jove, you've cracked it!

This works PERFECTLY! Thank you so much, you have no idea how long I've been looking for a solution to this. The browser is rendered useless so if you install another reputable browser and use that to play the video instead, I highly recommend Opera, you can continue to browse in Safari.
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Firefox on my 6+ crashes every time I open it and turns my phone off and back on. Only way it works is if I uninstall and re-install. After a day or so it starts the crashing loop again.
Lara Croft Go

Wicked puzzler and well worth 5€

The Room games 1,2 3 also well worth the purchase

Both games don't require in app purchaes

Would love to see an essential games thread as apps are not games.
Have tried to get used to Firefox but I just can't. Annoying layout and the lag is irritating. I only wanted it so I could add Adblock plus as an addon, but now Adblock works with Safari I don't think I have a need for it.
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