I used to use TinyScan but then discovered how perfect Google Drive was setup for the exact same use.
You can create a folder (i.e. Receipts) and immediately take a photo with image correction and upload to your google drive for access anywhere.
Swype is the free app of the week
Is it any good?
I tried Swiftkey and it was buggy as hell.
I did think about that. Have used it in the past and it does work well. I'm more just after a mousepad and keyboard remote. So I can pause movies etc (because I'm lazy).
On normal youtube, if you shut the screen, then press the home button and hit play you can have the audio with the screen locked.
EDIT: Still works on IOs8 for me. Play a video on safari. Press the shoulder button. Screen goes off, audio stops. Press home button, screen comes on. Press the arrow, audio comes on, phone stays locked. Boom.
EDIT2: Yes its Youtube on the browser not the app! You ain't the first to notice. The app is **** though!
Play a video on safari. Press the shoulder button. Screen goes off, audio stops. Press home button, screen comes on. Press the arrow, audio comes on, phone stays locked. Boom.