Essential iPhone Apps

Ok, I'm confused. What do the Jaddu VNC and RDP apps do that the Mocha VNC and RDP apps don't? The Jaadu apps are £15 each and the Mocha ones are £3.50 each, and are also available in a free Lite version.

I use Mocha RDP Lite regularly and it works great, so what justifies the £15 over £3.50, or even free?
Dont know if this is the right palce but wanted you guys to know - a high street catalogue shop is charging £20 for 2x £15 iTunes cards. Might be a good way to get those iPhone apps :)

Ends tomorrow IIRC

BTW is the App Store viewable outside of iTunes or the iPhone - just want to see whats on there on my work laptop (cant install iTunes)

ps3ud0 :cool:
The app is very good.

A Spotify one would be stunning.

I saw that they were working on it for android. I doubt apple would let them publish the app for the iPhone, it would affect their revenue, buying songs for your iPhone would no longer be required!
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