That is what I use and I think it makes a huge improvement to the graphics.
Think it might be the same-ish, there are no jaggies and the lighting overall looks far better (less lag too!)
Such an improvement
It's all based on the original FXAA Injector, just uses modified settings to suit the game better. That's what Mephic did anyway.
Ideally you should be using this with Scaling set to 100% and MLAA disabled in-game.
Game is next to impossible with joystick, pad or keyboard. Get up to 50mph and hold the steering for half a second too long and you jack-knife lol. Quite good fun but I won't be buying it. Also, does it really take 8 gears just to get to 30mph
This is so true! I downloaded the demo and just impossible with Saitek stick or mouse/keyboard. Looks like the people having the most fun have wheels!!
Using a 360 pad, no problems here.
you can mod the demo
I haven't really noticed any difference with FXAA shader thing.... although it is night time in the game so.....