Euro Truck Simulator 2 worthy of purchase

Doesnt seem to work for me either, in fact it makes it worse, especially if there is any fencing the graphics sort of go wavy. Turned off MLAA, tried pressing Pause/Break key to start it as recommended but it just pauses the game
If there are different versions where can we get the configured one, Thanks
Something strange I noticed by accident when playing around with AA settings. If I reset the resolution ie changed it to something else, accepted, then changed back to 1920 then AA kicks in and all jaggies are gone. Had to do this every time to get my changes in nvidia inspector to work. The injector didn't work for me I couldn't start the game with the file in place.
I can't get the physic mods to work on win 8, they just crash the game after selecting your driver at the start. Other mods are working fine though.
OOPS! :o

Finally getting somewhere...levelled up fragile cargo/ADT with long distance and now get 20-30K per job (and over 1000 XP). Applying the same levelling to hired drivers, and they're doing a reasonable job at earning money.

MAN or Scania next...
Had a go on the demo and I have to say really enjoyed it, never been massively into sims but I may well purchase this! Going to grab a 360 pad for the PC too which should help a bit.
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