Euro Truck Simulator 2 worthy of purchase

Cool, I might make something today, need to read up on alpha channels which apparently will give the skin and glossy finish, not sure how yet though.

Maybe its something like that that's causing my problems. What happens is my skin only appears when you're looking at it straight on, as you rotate it fades away into another company skin/weird pixels.
A couple of questions if I may.

It doesn't require online activation does it? Also my laddie has a GT210 low profile graphics card, will this run ok?
If they add multiplayer to this ill be all over it

They need to merge the following games:

Farm Sim
Train Sim
Flight Sim
Truck Sim
Ship Sim

Then, in the form of a gigantic MMO

Grow your veg/live stock.
Sell it to someone in another country
Trucker comes along, takes it elsewhere.
Train/Truck/Ship/Plane takes it elsewhere.
A trucker picks it up
Takes it to its destination.

I would be all over that.

Imagine having to get your truck to the airport knowing that an actual person will be flying a plane, with ATC being manned by humans... WOW.

Imagine trading with real players, negotiating shipping rates etc - lol. The micro management could be awesome and the playerbase could be HUGE.

You may as well include Forklift Simulator into the mix I guess.

That is my dream game.

Shall I launch a Kickstarter for about 10 million?
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LOL they have, it's called Real Life :-)
But yeah, I would but that for a dollar...
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Yeah just make a fresh image 1024 x 512 and paste your own layers to it.

It's the future gimpy, would be amazing. World Simulator!

Krugga, does that mod sit in the mod folder just like any other mod? because I'd want to get to the dds files.
had a look at the demo for this and much to my amazement im really enjoying it :D

Parking the trailers at the end of jobs was a real pain till i started using the "2" camera view and rotating the camera so im facing backwards :D

Would love to see this get the greenlight on steam, very tempted to buy it but can anyone confirm if it offers Northern Ireland in its destinations?

On the demo dont see it available, had a look online and seen Euro Truck sim1 had.
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Got to say I am quite impressed with this game / sim. Very well made. Pity I can't drive a truck! Lol
The one thing that I would love to see in this game more than anything else (aside from Multiplayer), is being able to meet your own employees out on the roads. It would be so cool to drive past one of your employees and would actually feel like they exist rather than only existing on paper.
Just tried driving with in 5 seconds i crashed, then taking two lanes up on the motorway. Playing with the keyboard is hard. What Controllers do you guys use to play this game?
Finally managed to buy my own truck and now all I seem to be able to do is crash it. When I had trucks provided to me I could rag them all over the place and I'd never hit a thing. It's really annoying.

I did manage a trip from Swansea to Birmingham eventually, but I had to reload the save four times because I didn't get out of Swansea before I hit something :p
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