Hi, I have not downloaded this prog. yet but will give it a try with my GTX580 as I am having problems with shimmering.Ah, so you guys also discovered this game. Nice!I searched the topic for information about anti-aliasing because I read a post somewhere at the start of the topic about someone not being able to get anti-aliasing working. Well, in case you didn't know, here is how to do it (nVidia):
Apply the settings that are (slightly) black on this screenshot in nVidia Inspector and then (MANDATORY!!!!!!!!!) set MLAA off in the game and set scaling to 100% in the game. (Leaving MLAA on will make things blurry and ANY OTHER scaling setting will DISABLE anti-aliasing!) With these settings I have great graphics and no more annoying flickering and shimmering pixels all over the place.It's a complete new game with FSAA!
P.S. You can experiment with the LOD bias settings. I like -2.000 but some like lower settings like -1.000 or less: this settings sharpens the textures.
How does it work, Do you save a setup for each game or are the settings applied to everything
Have downloaded it now and can see the list of games to change the settings for, how do you add a game to the profile list as Euro Truck is not on there
Worked it out now, still getting a little shimmering in places where there is fencing, but otherwise makes a great difference
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