Sure I read Renault (I think) were using 40% or something! Have to try and find it.
Oh sorry I was referring to the total % of downforce created by the off throttle EBD not the amount that the throttle was open off throttle.
Sure I read Renault (I think) were using 40% or something! Have to try and find it.
Sure I read Renault (I think) were using 40% or something! Have to try and find it.
Renault will be hurt in more ways than jus the off throttle map ban,trust me.
does he make his own ipad covers?
you don't see a problem with changing rules half way through a season,as I said this is nit a clarification, there was a written in exclusion to engine maps.
Add to that the inconsistency, they allow DD and f-duct which where specifically included. Yet something which is so actually included and written into the rules they ban it.
does he make his own ipad covers?
Car balance will be totally screwed. Just hope they have a plan B.
Their engine sounds like a bag of nails, to the point where it seems like someone recorded audio from a real engine, then pushed the gain up too high in an audio editing suite and it got clipped, square-wave style, then, decided the resulting sound would be acceptable.. and went with it anyway.
Noise is just a waste product, just like smells when you take a dump, who cares.
Question, with the change to engine maps and the changes for silverstone. Does that mean the cars will be more fuel efficient (thus can be fueled lighter)? If thats the case I'd assume the teams would get more play with ballast?