I am not sure that it is safe to compare the US market to the UK market, with their very much more advanced attitude toward internal flights and the network there with that. Their distances put intercity car travel in the same place as railways, which are near non existent there too.This is where I think you're going wrong. I'm struggling to find a decent percentile breakdown of average distance travelled per day by car, but this US data suggests that the use case you're describing happens practically never. For EV companies to target this niche requirement is madness. The use case you're describing is just incredibly rare across the general population. And keep in mind, with one stop each way a Tesla will still cover 800 miles comfortably.
I'll definitely be going electric with my next vehicle. Tomorrow I'm driving 220 miles from Newcastle to Reading, returning Sunday. With an electric car I could do that with a stop each way, which I will be doing in my petrol car anyway. The journey will be no different. I only do 8,000 miles a year, and this journey is right at the extreme end of my driving. These trips happen once\twice per year.
That said, doesnt your own link actually disagree with you? The >200 mile field shows a huge number of cars in absolute terms?