When it's cheap
I refuse to spend performance/enthusiast car money On a nasty slow, noisey, unrefined EV.
the only EVs I consider to actually be good cars cost the same as a 3 year old Ferrari.
that's not good, EVs in general still need to drop their price by at least 50%
the biggest problem is the engine. You can get a high performance petrol engine built for 10k. An EV cannot compete with that, it costs 20k for the EV engine and batteries if not more and then it's not even apples to apples, that's a slow EV engine and because the engine and batteries are so expensive, the rest of the car has to be cut down - so now you have an ugly exterior, ugly interior, cheap material, lack of sound insulation, lack of tech and features etc and to get those features added back, adds cost and now the car sells for double its petrol equivalent.
take the Nissan Leaf as an example - take out its engine and batteries and add a petrol engine into that chassis - now you can't sell that car for half the price it was before.
luckily change is coming especially from European manufacturers who are trying to slot in ev models at the same price as petrol equivalents though this pricing is still a couple years away