I didn’t say it had. I was on about the used car market. And yes battery concerns are a factor in secondhand prices. Doesn’t matter why but it’s the realityThat makes no sense. Nothing has changed with regard to batteries, if anything the technology is only improves in leaps and bounds.
Whats feeding battery concerns is all the Fud on social media and Media in general. Look at the utter gibberish on this thread, from people who wouldn't know one end a spanner from the other.
Most people I work with have a SS EV paying 55-60% of the monthly. Hardly any will buy a second hand Ev ever. Just churn out a new one every 3 years and dump the old one on the market.
SS prices are up about 20% this year due to residuals (some will be ved, cost of borrowing ). Most are extending the car an extra year to get the lower monthly for another year before getting a new car (greener option too)
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