EV general discussion

I've just watched an MG4 video and he just says use the big button like we're already doing -

When you press p the handbrake comes on anyway / auto releases when you move into drive (as already mentioned elsewhere) so no need to ever touch it unless you need the car in neutral / wheels able to roll, but handbrake on
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real men don't read a manual..... we press random buttons, mess it all up then have to post on forums wondering what the hell we just did and asking how to undo it ;)

FWIW I never use the parking brake on my ipace but always use it on our i3 before leaving the vehicle.. the i3 just ... I can't put my finger on it but it does not fill me with any confidence when I stop it on our slight slope of a drive when just in park.
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Well times are a changin.

This winter on my short commute at traffic lights I see the emissions coming out of my tailpipes in the wing mirror and I look around, and I'm in the minority.

Occasionally I'm the only one!
That's mostly just steam. When we are all driving hydrogen cars they'll all be puffing clouds of it out ;)
Well yeah but auto hold has nothing to do with the car being parked
Depends upon what you define by parked as it really doesn't matter to the car, when the car comes to a halt the auto brakes will engage, on all four wheels with respect to some vehicles, then when park is engaged, either manually or when a door is opened, the electric handbrake will engage. Most cars with a electric handbrake I've driven will also switch from auto brakes to the handbrake automatically after a certain length of time anyway
There is no real need to manually engage park as it has been stipulated by legislation that park should engage when the driver leaves the car. This is in response to drivers having been run over by their own vehicles, or the vehicles moving off without a driver because they left the vehicle in drive.
A reminder of why "piano black" has no place in a car interior :p
Never has a truer word been said. My Leaf has loads of it and most is scratched so I am considering wrapping them with something more tasteful.

I haven't got one.
I got all my tuition off those Jerry Pan videos.
I am sure you jest sir (aren't you?) because my Leaf came with three whopping great manuals. I couldn't believe it when the salesman handed them to me, must be at least a tree's worth of paper!! Oh boy did I need them too. It still took me a good couple of weeks to find out how most things work and I'm still finding stuff now. Only a couple of months ago I discovered that my remote fobs actually had a key inside them and yesterday I was waiting for the wife outside the doctors surgery and was playing around in the cars menu and found a toggle that flags up all of the charge points near the car on the screen. I knew there was a setting to show it on the sat nav when following a route but this is completely independent of the navigation system.
Only a couple of months ago I discovered that my remote fobs actually had a key inside them and yesterday I was waiting for the wife outside the doctors surgery and was playing around in the cars menu and found a toggle that flags up all of the charge points near the car on the screen. I knew there was a setting to show it on the sat nav when following a route but this is completely independent of the navigation system.

I learned those two things before I had the car by watching the Jerry Pan videos, there's about 14 of them for the MG4.
I'll ask the wife when she comes in about a manual, I've never seen one.
We had a granny charger and £150 worth of cleaning stuff.
I'm sure people made the same comments moving from Horses to cars.

This is a fairly often made and completely fatuous comparison. The change from horses to ICE vehicle happened quickly but also organically within a market-based economy in most cases. There was no need for government subsidy or punishing fines for selling horses to push people into ICE vehicles. They were just better for pretty much anyone for almost all use cases.

I don't have an issue with EV's themselves, they currently have use cases for which they are very suitable. It's governmental action that's the issue that, like so much supposed 'green' policy, is quite clearly based on hopes and claims that just aren't based in reality.

It's like the obviously disingenuous claims about wind and solar being 'cheap'. The UK government and others have committed themselves to a stupid and counterproductive plan which tries to jam the current square peg of EV's into everyone's use cases when there's a lot of metaphorical 'round holes' out there.

The simple fact is that unless you can charge an EV at home (or in some cases at work) that they represent a pretty terrible ownership proposition. Nothing I've seen from the government suggests to me that this situation will improve any time soon with the simple trajectory being that electricity will get more not less expensive overall especially for those who will need to be reliant on publicly accessible charging infrastructure. This makes this policy, again like a lot of 'green' policies heavily regressive in that the costs disproportionally fall on the poorest with the benefits mostly going to the richer.

It's easy to speculate that large improvements in battery technology will happen but ultimately there is no guarantees. We may just hit the wall on the laws of physics that make it had to achieve much higher energy densities in a safe to use and very much reusable package.
So is it advisable that when I just stop somewhere with an intention to move a few seconds/minute later to use the red one and when I'm going to leave the car to press the big button?
When in traffic I also use the Autohold so red button for if the wife just runs into a shop quick?

As others have mentioned check the manual but usually if you are just stopping briefly you are supposed to just hold it on the brake and/or use auto hold and only use park (drive mode) or the [electronic] handbrake if actually parking or stopping for an extended time.

There is no direct equivalent with most EVs and ICE automatics of the ability with a manual to put it on the hand brake so the brake lights go out when waiting at lights, etc. and while EVs don't usually have the same issues with wear and tear as an ICE automatic generally they don't advise putting it frequently in and out of park driving mode when stopping at traffic lights, etc. but that does vary vehicle to vehicle.
real men don't read a manual..... we press random buttons, mess it all up then have to post on forums wondering what the hell we just did and asking how to undo it ;)

FWIW I never use the parking brake on my ipace but always use it on our i3 before leaving the vehicle.. the i3 just ... I can't put my finger on it but it does not fill me with any confidence when I stop it on our slight slope of a drive when just in park.
I know what you mean I still can't find the fog light or reset the bloody trip meter lol
I didn't know until last week my tesla has two park brakes kinda; so putting it in park engages rear brakes but keeping the button pressed in engages all the brakes. Think the keep hold is meant for if you're on steep hills or whatever.
Fog lights are a pain as i seem to have to press the light icon on the screen and then go down to the bottom of the screen and press the individual front and rear fog lights. I have tried voice command but that doesn't work, hopefully comes as an update.

I've had my car since September, enjoying it so far although must say i'd be knackered around here if i couldn't charge at home as there's only a few places i could charge unless i use the normal plug. Range is a bit crap in this weather but my bmw was abysmal so no worse than that.

The cars off down to get a couple of issues sorted next friday, bumper paint is peeling at both corners so they're replacing the bumper and one of the rear sensors isn't functioning properly so i have a constant message about that along with lack of auto park. I'm going to go to Cheshire Tesla as they have a business park near where there's a burger king. Better than nothing but does mean a 2>3 hour drive there and back
No, one is the drive mode which likely includes the park pawl and means pressing the accelerator does nothing, the other is a handbrake.
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I'm sure there's some sort of niche circumstances where you'd want the handbrake on with the car not in park but for 99% of the time in normal usage you may as well forget the handbrake button is even there, you'll not need to touch it routinely

I'll ask the wife when she comes in about a manual, I've never seen one.
We had a granny charger and £150 worth of cleaning stuff.

You can download it from here if you didn't get a hard copy.
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