Leaving a car that’s fully charged connected to a charger overnight is poor form.
Pretty lucky to not get stung with idle fees.
Okay, I'm not going to keep going round on this. Just explain to me why it is poor, please. If I was doing it middle of the day I could perfectly understand and I would indeed agree. And it isn't fully charged. I leave it for about 6 3/4 hours. It is usually up to about 90% - maybe with the weather getting warmer it will get to full, or nearer.
There are 4 charging points. When I get there on a Monday night/Tuesday early hours there is never, has never been anyone else charging their car up. When I go back down for it at 7.30am there maybe one other car charging, sometimes they are all still empty. Wednesday night/Thursday morning there is usually one other car charging when I get there, again usually nothing when I get back in the morning.
And, why would I get fined? No maximum stay time in the car park. I have seen plenty of people park their car there for a day while they walk into town. Why would I get fined for being overnight. Some residents park their cars at the back of the car park overnight due to local parking issues on some of the surrounding streets. What is the difference?