EV general discussion

Leaving a car that’s fully charged connected to a charger overnight is poor form.

Pretty lucky to not get stung with idle fees.

Okay, I'm not going to keep going round on this. Just explain to me why it is poor, please. If I was doing it middle of the day I could perfectly understand and I would indeed agree. And it isn't fully charged. I leave it for about 6 3/4 hours. It is usually up to about 90% - maybe with the weather getting warmer it will get to full, or nearer.

There are 4 charging points. When I get there on a Monday night/Tuesday early hours there is never, has never been anyone else charging their car up. When I go back down for it at 7.30am there maybe one other car charging, sometimes they are all still empty. Wednesday night/Thursday morning there is usually one other car charging when I get there, again usually nothing when I get back in the morning.

And, why would I get fined? No maximum stay time in the car park. I have seen plenty of people park their car there for a day while they walk into town. Why would I get fined for being overnight. Some residents park their cars at the back of the car park overnight due to local parking issues on some of the surrounding streets. What is the difference?
So what you’re saying is you regularly leave your car in a public EV charger because you can. Gotcha.

“I’m alright Jack”

Behaviour like that will ruin it for everyone and why idle fees exist to punish people that rock up with 68% and leave it plugged in for hours after they need to.
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Watched some reviews of the Lucid air today, got to say think it’s one of my favourite looking EV’s out there. Will be interesting to see if they can get a good share of the EV market.
Watched some reviews of the Lucid air today, got to say think it’s one of my favourite looking EV’s out there. Will be interesting to see if they can get a good share of the EV market.

Maybe of the very premium market, but unlikely to impact in real numbers at the lower end, they are nice looking vehicles though.
So what you’re saying is you regularly leave your car in a public EV charger because you can. Gotcha.

“I’m alright Jack”

Behaviour like that will ruin it for everyone and why idle fees exist to punish people that rock up with 68% and leave it plugged in for hours after they need to.

Have already explained, I thought it was quite clear and simple but clearly not, MY CAR IS NEVER LEFT IDLE. IT HAS NEVER REACHED FULL CHARGE. So, again, why would I be fined or charged? I charge my car every other day. Usually when I get there I have about 10 miles left (not sure what the charge % is). I asked you last time to explain, but you haven't, or can't?

I'm alright Jack - again, thought I had explain, obviously not simply enough - I charge the car overnight when nobody else was/is there. If I was 'Im alright Jack' then I would pop it down there at 7.30am when I get up and leave it there until 1pm when I go to work. I don't do that. I am stopping nobody else from charging their car(s) up. I am affecting nobody else. Do I take advantage of free charging -yes. Of course I do. Why would I not?? If you have an issue with that then I sincerley hope that you buy everything full price all of the time and don't ever wait for a sale or use discount vouchers/codes or worse still use anything for free - becuase that would be hypocritical.

You never answered in my last comment as to exactly what you thought I was doing wrong - just resorted to a personal attack instead. I'm not going to de-rail this thread anymore by arguing with someone who does that. Please have a good day.
I said it was poor form and I stand by that comment.

Just because your car takes 7hrs to charge to full and never actually sits idle doesn’t mean it’s your given right to leave it charging in Tesco every night :cry:

It’s clear that the use case for a supermarket charger is to use it when you’re actually shopping in the store… so about 2hrs or so. The fact you claim that you’re not stopping anyone else using it when you’ve admitted to leaving it there for 7hrs says otherwise.

How many people have pulled up and tried to charge only to find your Zoe left there for 1/4 of the day? My point is… if everyone did what you’re doing no one would ever get a space. This seems to not matter to you?

Expect Tesco to clock your usage pattern and challenge you though.

Ps there was no personal attack but have a good one.
I said it was poor form and I stand by that comment.

Just because your car takes 7hrs to charge to full and never actually sits idle doesn’t mean it’s your given right to leave it charging in Tesco every night :cry:

It’s clear that the use case for a supermarket charger is to use it when you’re actually shopping in the store… so about 2hrs or so. The fact you claim that you’re not stopping anyone else using it when you’ve admitted to leaving it there for 7hrs says otherwise.

How many people have pulled up and tried to charge only to find your Zoe left there for 1/4 of the day? My point is… if everyone did what you’re doing no one would ever get a space. This seems to not matter to you?

Expect Tesco to clock your usage pattern and challenge you though.

Ps there was no personal attack but have a good one.

This is the way

I said it was poor form and I stand by that comment.

Just because your car takes 7hrs to charge to full and never actually sits idle doesn’t mean it’s your given right to leave it charging in Tesco every night :cry:

It’s clear that the use case for a supermarket charger is to use it when you’re actually shopping in the store… so about 2hrs or so. The fact you claim that you’re not stopping anyone else using it when you’ve admitted to leaving it there for 7hrs says otherwise.

How many people have pulled up and tried to charge only to find your Zoe left there for 1/4 of the day? My point is… if everyone did what you’re doing no one would ever get a space. This seems to not matter to you?

Expect Tesco to clock your usage pattern and challenge you though.

Ps there was no personal attack but have a good one.

As above, seems like a bit of a **** move to me, hopefully not construed as a personal attack by the buttercup amongst us.
I said it was poor form and I stand by that comment.

Just because your car takes 7hrs to charge to full and never actually sits idle doesn’t mean it’s your given right to leave it charging in Tesco every night :cry:

It’s clear that the use case for a supermarket charger is to use it when you’re actually shopping in the store… so about 2hrs or so. The fact you claim that you’re not stopping anyone else using it when you’ve admitted to leaving it there for 7hrs says otherwise.

How many people have pulled up and tried to charge only to find your Zoe left there for 1/4 of the day? My point is… if everyone did what you’re doing no one would ever get a space. This seems to not matter to you?

Expect Tesco to clock your usage pattern and challenge you though.

Ps there was no personal attack but have a good one.

By your own logic, because I charge up between mdinight and 7.30am, when the shop is shut, anyone else looking to charge it during those hours would also be 'doing something wrong' - would they not? And, if Tesco want to look at my charging patterns - and were that worried by it - do you not think they would turn the chargers off at night when they are shut? It is not there for a 1/4 of the day, it is there for just over a 1/4 of the night.

It isn't every night - twice a week - please try to read everything, it would help. Just like I have said I have already asked Tesco how long I am able to be there.

It is not clear that the charger is to use while you are shopping only. There are no signs, no warnings on the app. Again, if they want or wanted that they would say.

And your attitude and tone is a personal attack, that is my take on it.
I said it was poor form and I stand by that comment.

Just because your car takes 7hrs to charge to full and never actually sits idle doesn’t mean it’s your given right to leave it charging in Tesco every night :cry:

It’s clear that the use case for a supermarket charger is to use it when you’re actually shopping in the store… so about 2hrs or so. The fact you claim that you’re not stopping anyone else using it when you’ve admitted to leaving it there for 7hrs says otherwise.

How many people have pulled up and tried to charge only to find your Zoe left there for 1/4 of the day? My point is… if everyone did what you’re doing no one would ever get a space. This seems to not matter to you?

Expect Tesco to clock your usage pattern and challenge you though.

Ps there was no personal attack but have a good one.
Actually there was a personal attack, he called me an idiot :cry:
By your own logic, because I charge up between mdinight and 7.30am, when the shop is shut, anyone else looking to charge it during those hours would also be 'doing something wrong' - would they not? And, if Tesco want to look at my charging patterns - and were that worried by it - do you not think they would turn the chargers off at night when they are shut? It is not there for a 1/4 of the day, it is there for just over a 1/4 of the night.

It isn't every night - twice a week - please try to read everything, it would help. Just like I have said I have already asked Tesco how long I am able to be there.

It is not clear that the charger is to use while you are shopping only. There are no signs, no warnings on the app. Again, if they want or wanted that they would say.

And your attitude and tone is a personal attack, that is my take on it.
Actually the EV chargers are officially closed between midnight and 6am, as per their website.

So technically you are in the wrong. I’ll leave it there ;)

And the shop says it is shut at Midnight too, yet that shuts at 10pm. The petrol station is open 24 hours a day - yet isn't. Shall I complain to them?
I was asking, if you think the chargers shoould be closed then should I tell them?

Edit: Ignore that I have emailed them to tell them exactly what I am doing and if it is allowed or not - can put this to bed once I get a reply from them.
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Don’t shoot the messenger.

I already got shot for trying to make sure he didn't get a PCN, or maybe even his car vandalised. What is funnier is he gets free 150kW charging just up the road, but I was the person hurt apparently, like I'm the one who'd be paying the £1,000 excess to ON.TO or dealing with their admin team to get a PCN sorted.
I already got shot for trying to make sure he didn't get a PCN, or maybe even his car vandalised. What is funnier is he gets free 150kW charging just up the road, but I was the person hurt apparently, like I'm the one who'd be paying the £1,000 excess to ON.TO or dealing with their admin team to get a PCN sorted.

Fair enough, again I apologise for saying that. That was completley wrong of me. EDIT* I have edited my original response to you to remove the offensive phrase, sorry it wasn't done sooner I didn't see your response.

Not sure why the car would get vandalised, it is literally 3 mins from my house, I would say it is no more likely to get vandalised at Tesco as outside my house. I am not going to get a PCN as the car park has no maximum stay.

And, yes I get free 150kw charging up the road, but it doesn't charge at 150kw does it? No point in stating the chargers maximum rating when the car will only charge at 30kw. I did this for the first week I had the car and had to sit there for nearly an hour and a half to get to 80%. That is no fun at 12.30am in cold temepatures.
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Look, it's clearly a **** move, regardless of whether you like it or not.

Would I do it? Possibly. Would I still be a ****? 100%

Own it.
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