4680 cell Whr/Kg hmmh - graphic that shows how much the car battery weight could impact the energy use for WLTP consumption/range test.
.. if you increase car mass 300kg ~13% more energy, some of that would be recoverable in an ev, but, not having spent the energy in the first place is better.
Bev more efficient than an ICE , so consumption/range impact likely to track the blue line more closely than petrol/disel.
2020 Comparative Evaluation of the Effect of Vehicle Parameters on Fuel Consumption under NEDC and WLTP
mpdi Received: 16 June 2020; Accepted: 10 August 2020; Published: 17 August 2020
Personally I thought impact on my petrol car of 300kg delta, a car load of people, would be a lot more than 8->9 L/100kg, it feels like it when driving.