Brave man having that pair sitting on your drive which will be worth 30% of their value in 24 months time.
you seriously telling me you believe a 2 year old MG4 will be worth under £9000? if so fantastic. finally the people complaining that there are no usable EVs for a sensible price will have to shut up!.
I think you are talking nonsense however but time will tell. maybe we can revisit in 2 years time.
honestly i am getting utterly fed up with the utter lies i get spammed with daily on my news feed, always from the same "news" sources. its not just EVs but renewable generation in general. Its gotten so bad i think it is surely bordering on criminal.
and of course any stories which are later shown to be horse muck get such a tiny retraction (like for instance that ferry fire caused by EVs (untrue) or that womans "brand new" EV car which was ruined in a flood (which was a 5 year old diesel and besides, ALL cars would get ruined in a flood!)
not to mention all the crap about cobalt, conveniently ignoring that cobalt is used irreversibly in refining fuel, but that would be electric car drivers worried about cobalt have options to buy a car with ZERO cobalt used in their battery manufacture.
this luton fire obviously EVs got the blame initially but i dare say the "news" sources leaking that will be a lot quieter on their retraction, same with the donkeys who have been spreading it on social media and forums etc if/when they are proven wrong.
of course eventually an EV WILL start a big fire, and these people will be in their element then!!!