Even Augustus Gloop ain't safe (Dahl being censored)

Apparently this is even too much for James O'Brien who almost had a moment are clarity, it's all well and good changing things others people care about, but when it's something he cares about, they've suddenly gone too far....
I believe they were due to re-release the RD books and they decided that was a good opportunity to remove any unnecessary colonial/slavery themes and some obvious annoying words for parents.
isn't it off the back of netflix's (ie woke central) purchase of the dahl rights and whatever derivative/dastardly products they have in mind, they needed to get the text of markettable quality.

their productions like the crown, or more recently All quiet on the western front, also have adjusted history, for non-discerning adults
I don't believe someone sat there and thought "let's re-write RD". I believe they were due to re-release the RD books and they decided that was a good opportunity to remove any unnecessary colonial/slavery themes and some obvious annoying words for parents. The sheeple have been fully engaged as fighting wokeism is a good distraction from the real problems (cost of living etc.).

If parents are worried about words like "fat", maybe they should pay more attention to what they're feeding their kids and less on Twitter ;)

Still waiting for a suitable alternative word btw
If parents are worried about words like "fat", maybe they should pay more attention to what they're feeding their kids and less on Twitter ;)

Still waiting for a suitable alternative word btw

The old phrase "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" is very true.

Soon they will be physically burning books already printed in the name of not offending anyone.
The old phrase "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" is very true.

Soon they will be physically burning books already printed in the name of not offending anyone.
Yeah...no.... And if so, isolated incidents by fundamentalists. Just like how the alt-right will be burning these new editions of Willy Wonka because they don't explicitly mention indentured labour anymore.
Wonder how long "enormous" lasts before it offends someones sensibilities and any mention of his size has to be expunged forever.
That's how language evolves. We've already pretty much universally agreed calling people fat is derogatory and unpleasant. It is rarely called people as a factual observation of any issues with food or otherwise they may have.

Your kid learns fat, they'll point out fat people. If your kid calling them fat is embarrassing for you, then there is an easy problem to solve.
@dLockers enormous doesn't mean the same thing as fat.

Unless... You're suggesting the enormous crocodile was also fat? :confused:

Just like weary doesn't mean the same thing as wary ;)
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Still waiting for a suitable alternative word btw
keep up - curvy

We are #IncludingTheCurve properly now? We are going to normalise all different types of bodies, yeah? Not as a one-time gimmick or as an attempt to save a company’s reputation and we are really going to see that change, with the roots of this change firmly grounded in the earth, ready to grow and bloom.

she was on the radio yesterday, complaining about catwalk representation, apparently the latest diversion is putting plus sized clothes on skinny<12 models, didn't I hear one of the actresses wore something to bafta's with long sleeves.
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